You can not be this dumb Piratis. You claimed that in 'normal' democracies the unit od democracy was only the indivdual. I gave you examples from the UK that showed this assertion of your to be bollocks. Just as with the EU example the example is givent to counter your bollocks about democracy NOT given as an example of what is needed in Cyprus.
The unit of democracy in countries
IS the citizen, and if you can not see this then you are the dumb one. Citizens are free to move to any area of the country they like and exercise their voting rights without any racial, ethnic, gender, or other discrimination. What you want is exactly such racist discriminations, which result to something obviously undemocratic.
I am perfectly willing to consider the Belgium model. In case you are not sure Belgium DOES exist elsewhere and it IS democratic.
Sure. On the condition that under TC control will be only the villages that TCs are the legal majority. Interesting however that you choose that as model, does it have anything to do with the fact that Belgium could collapse soon? An example much closer to the one of Cyprus is the one of Bulgaria. Bulgarians also suffered under Ottoman oppression, a Turkish minority was formed there as well, and they also had very serious conflicts between them before and after the formation of Bulgaria. So why not to consider Bulgaria as well?
Show me another where in the name of a single unitary people on ethnic group sought to exclude the other and destroy the very concept and existance of them as a country nation and unitary people.
The Turks in Asia Minor. Did they ask the Greeks of the west coast of Asia Minor if they wanted to be part of Turkey? Maybe they would prefer to be in the Asia Minor country, not some Turkish one ruled exclusively by Turks. Not just with Greeks, but also with the Armenians, that Turks performed a Genocide against them. I think Turkey should therefore be split among a Greek state, an Armenian state, a Kurdish state, and a small Turkish state in the middle.
Get your RoC to offer that and we can consider it. However the reality is even as far back as 65 when the TC sought to return to the LEGAL RoC government you refused to allow that unless the TC community accept your totaly ILLEGAL UNILATERAL ammendments to the 60's RoC. There reality is that there is no legal 60's version of the RoC to return back to, because YOU stopped that from happening.
Thats what you say. RoC is perfectly legal. You can stop the excuses and allow legality to return. What do you want RoC to propose more? RoC is demanding respect of its independence and sovereignty since 1974.
And will , when we fictionaly return back to an agreement you have never accepted as legal before and only ever offerd a 'return to' on conditions of you making illegal unilateral ammendments to, once again claim you were 'forced' to accept this ,ignore all legality, ignore you own consitutional court rulings, make secret plans to remove our legal rights under those agreements using deception illigality and where necessary ethnic violence against us ? If so there is not point returning is there ?
You are acting illegally, not me. The fact is that RoC is acting in a perfectly legal way. On the contrary your pseudo state has been clearly declared as legally invalid. So stop the excuses and end the illegalities.
Clearly to me Piratis it is you the chooses war , even when you have no forseeable hope of winning such a war. Again the position of a madman or a fantic.
You have made the choice of war since Turkey invaded the sovereign republic of Cyprus in 1974. Since then what we have is a cease fire, that can end only when Turkey withdraws her troops from Republic of Cyprus. Until then Cyprus has every right to defend its borders from the foreign invadors. You are keeping illegaly our land under occupation by military force, and then you are calling me a madman because I want to restore legality?

We acted criminally (well Turkey did) but as a response to your OWN illegalites and criminality. That does not justify the subsequent criminallity on our part but it does mean if we are to have ANY chaance of resolving our differences peacfully and through agreement we have to accept and reverse ALL illegalities. This is something you seem unwilling to do. You just want our illeglities resversed and your ignored.
If you say "well Turkey did" then we can say "well Greece did". Don't forget that the excuse for the invasion was the coup, not anything we had done. The fact is that illegality caused by the coup lasted for 5 days, while your illegality is going on for 33 years. And of course I want to reverse
all illegalities, as long as they are really illegalities, and not just whatever you decide to declare as illegal.
You thought you had the upper hand in 60-74 and could force what yopu want with no regard for leglaity, using ethnic violence and other means. We did not forget that. We fought for justice and are still seeking it for ALL Cypriots.
What we wanted was democracy. What you want is to Turkify Cyprus, or at least part of it.
The illegal usurpation of the bi communal RoC by Greeks will end either you like it or not. Cyprus will finally be liberated from the domineering expansionist Greek ideologies and we will al live as Cypriots in our Cypriot nation.
Republic of Cyprus is an independent state. The only expansionism here is that of Turkey which is occupying 1/3rd of our sovereign country. The occupation will end either you like it or not, all Cypriots will return to their homes, and Cyprus will be ruled democratically by the one Cypriot people without racist discriminations.