Piratis wrote: and yet the unit of democracy (in countries) is always the citizen, and never the ethnic group.
No it is not Piratis. When MP's vote legislation in or our in the UK the UNIT of democracy is the consitutiency that voted the MP in. One consituency one vote and in the UK some constiuencies are more than twice the population size of others. This kind of aggregated up units of democracies runs through the entire UK. Some descions are made on a regional basis (those that affect regions, surprise surprise) and in these decsion each region has an equal voice regardless of their different population sizes. You insistacne that the unit of democracy within countires is always the indivdual citizen is bollocks. Yes it is an dominat unit but it is NOT the only unit and it tends to not be the only unit when interests are grouped in different ways than accross the whole country, and for GOOD REASON. In the UK on many regional issues the unit is the region. On some national issues the unit is the nations that make up the UK.
I understand that you WANT to believe that one person one vote is the fundamental aspect of democracy or democracy within states and unless it exist totaly for all decisions that country is not a democracy, because such belief allows you to justify why even on purley communal issues you can not possibly accept the idea of one community one vote, but such belief is actually bollocks when you look at it.
Piratis wrote:As I explained to you earlier (and you didn't reply to it) if the relationship that you want between TCs and GCs is the one that exists between Spanish and Polish then what you want is clearly partition.
You must be blind as well as racist and stubborn !
http://www.cyprus-forum.com/viewtopic.p ... &start=280
you said
If you tell me that the relationship that you want between GCs and TCs is the one that Italians and British have within the EU, then you are directly telling us that what you want is in fact partition, and just some cooperation between the two separate countries.
I replied
But I am so clearly NOT telling you that is what I want. All I am doing is countering your (unspportable) claim that one person one vote is a fundamental principal of democracy as a concept , by showing you clear examples of democratic entities where one person one vote does not rule and yet ARE democratic. This is not saying that what I want in Cyprus between our communites is what they have in the EU between states. It is just pointing out that your self rightgous lectures about what the fundamental principles of democracy are as a concept are bollocks.
Now you ask the same question AGAIN, complete with an accusation that I did not answer it before !
Piratis wrote: What we want is one country kind of unification and democracy as it exists within all other democratic countries, and not the association of two separate and independent parts of Cyprus so we can be "united" with the north part of our country in the same way we are now united with Estonia within EU.
Look Piratis if you are going to make up what I have said, ignore what I have actually said and then attack the things you have made up and claimed I have said then whats the point ? I have explained CLEARY that I am NOT after a solution in Cyprus that is similar to the relationship between two states within the EU.
Piratis wrote:
Democracies do not separate people between ethnic groups.
No Piratis democracies do not seperate ethnic groups. What sperated and seperates CYPRIOTS is ONE GROUP of them defning themselves in a way that EXCLUDES the other and seeking objectives that are purely ETHNIC GROUP based and totaly prejudical to the other group and then seeking to IMPOSE these ETHNIC based desires on the other group. THAT is waht seperated Cypriots between ethnic groups and a GOOD democracy would protect smaller ethnic groups from such imposition.
Piratis wrote:
What exists to protect and give an effective voice to all citizens are things like human rights,
Which is WHY the UN charters on human rights assign the right to self determination to PEOPLES and not nations or states. Exactly because the right to self determination assigned to a state or nation that has different peoples in it would be a licence to TYRANNY. This right REQUIRES a UNITY of common interest and purpose in the group claiming it and enosis destroyed that unity.
Nevertheless, the right to self-determination is recognized in international law as a right of process (not of outcome) belonging to peoples and not to states or governments.
This right of PEOPLES is the CORNERSTONE AND FOUNDATION of ALL the other indivdual rights, as the UN charters again clearly lay out.
http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/f3c9 ... endocument
The right of self-determination is of particular importance because its realization is an essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of individual human rights and for the promotion and strengthening of those rights
Piratis wrote: .... but still not enough for you.
No Piratis because I do not want your 'gifts'. I want MY RIGHTS.
When you continue to insist that GC had and HAVE the right to pursue and IMPOSE a purely GREEK CYPRIOT desire on all cypriots , that is when you act not as common cypriots to me but ACT as an ETHNIC GROUP against me, then we are no longer a common cypriot people. In such cases TC as a people that live in CYprus and are NOT GREEK , have the RIGHT to self determination - and this right is what you deny me. This right that is laid out as the "essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of individual human rights" in the UN charters is the on you seek to deny me. You basis for this is that we are a single unitary people EVEN WHEN you seek to destroy our nation as a single unitary people, our state as single unitary people and our status as a people.
Piratis wrote:Furthermore I had the goodwill to listen and discuss your diversions from democracy and accepted that in order to satisfy you we could agree to some such diversions if you would also agree to some strong safeguards that would make it impossible for TCs to abuse those diversions, or even worst use them to achieve partition. You rejected the safeguards I asked for, you said you would come back with alternative solutions but you never did.
You consider it 'goodwill' to listen (very very badly) and discuss my 'diversions'! That is no more goodwill than it is goodwill for me to listen to you insist on rights of the GC community purely as a COMMUNITY to impose its will on ALL Cypriots and call this democracy and an expression if human rights and I having the patience to pint out over and over what bollocks you are talking.
I did not reject your 'safegaurds'.To the first I said
"We would have to argue about who is a settler or not but we could problably , with some good will and mutual compromise agree on that. I have no problem with there being a 'great majority' requirment. "
to the second
"I personally as an indivdual can live without bizonlaity provided the right bicommunal protections exist. However this prob not true of most TC at least for a period of time. I would also consider other specfic measure to protect against the risk of intentful forced colapse as a route to division but I am out of time and will have to expand on these other possibilites later. "
and no I have not had time yet to expand on this because I am taking up my time defending MY RIGHTS, rather than indulge you in thinking you are offering me incredible concessions to your rights and pointing out GR's mistakes. I will exapnd as and when I have time and inclination to do so.
and the third
No list is not acceptable to me. I need a principal that can be applied fairly and consistnetly to anything that may occur in the future for I can not predict the future. Another big problem with a list is what would stop you as a GC community 'democraticaly' changing the list in the future , according to your defintion of democracy ? Give me 100 things on the list today and tomorrow 'democratically' remove then , one by one. No sorry that is all to familure for me to find it acceptable.
Piratis wrote:Here is a quote from Sevgul that describes how TCs view "unification" and as a result "democracy".
And this from the man saying quoting "The most effective propaganda is often completely truthful, but some propaganda presents facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented" and demanding 'complete' quotes of UN documents.
Yo say Piratis that the below shows TCs views, yet the selective extracts from the article you 'quote' (with no referances to its source other than 'Sevgul') statrs CLEARLY with the problem of the 'mainstream media' not the TCs.
I have great respect for the author of this work you quote selectively and then disort its meaning. I do not however have suc respect for you for obvious reasons. If you want to provide the WHOLE article I may choose to discuss it with you. If not I have little to say about it execpt to point out you rank hypocrasy and your obvious distortion of what it says.
Piratis wrote:If what they label as "unification" and as "democracy" is modeled after the relationship between the sovereign and independent EU countries, so GCs and TCs can be "united" in the way that Italians and British are within EU, then obviously the gap between us is huge and we will never reach a peaceful agreement since the TCs have not yet abandoned their criminal aim of partitioning Cyprus and Turkifying the north part of it.
Again you go tillting at the windmills. I said EXPLICITLY that I DID NOT want a solution based on the kind or realtionship states within the EU have between them. Yet STILL you prattle on about how such a solution is not acceptable to you.