humanist wrote:hallil, the understanding of the referendum was that no community was expected to say yes or no. You said yes because you felt there would have been possitive benefits for your community the GC's said no because they did not feel that. Go right ahead support Talat who has so far proven to be a partitionsist. This makes you statement hypocritical in that really what you supported back in 2004 was not the Anan Plan but a partition plan. So unification and Anana Plan do not go together, it is an oximoron. Congratulations on your yes vote. Once again GC's are to blame. May be if you or your leader Mr Talat (liar) could come up with a trully unifying plan for our country people will actually vote yes throughout the country and you will have unification. The reality is Turkey keeps telling you what to so, feeds you lies to wait till se secures membership and then you will create your own country based on lies and stolen land of my country. This is not going to happen dude. Do you think that Cyprus has the power to stop the aid to trash can, I don't think so the reason you have not gotten aid and direct trade is because the EU does not want to give it. since 77 or whatever it was the plan fo cyprus is based on a federation with two states and untl that is presented the EU and RoC will not accept anything
Stop being such victims of always blaoming the RoC and start acting like you do want unification and it will come and you weill share in the wealth that you claim other cypriot cousins are sharing/
Furthrmore, you blames TP for not meeting with your leader, may be your leader is Ankara and that is what TP is doing dealing with the people who rule the roost. get rid of the Turkish occupation forces and then pershasp we could be talking unification, the harsh answer tot this is that you cannot get rid of the turkish occupation forces.,
What an absolute crock of shit...really.
You are doing all you can to bend every little bit of history mate.

The reason that TPap and his puppet state of "RoC" will not talk to TCs is because of the real story of what happened in Cyprus will get out and he has done every thing he can to stop it. That I am afraid is not working anymore because he did not bank on those of us abroad. We are spreading the word my friend and you cannot hide behind those lies any more..The "RoC" is not for us and has not been designed for us. It is a Greek state in which we can only protect our identity with special provisions in the constitution and our own area to live in. History has taught us that and is now teaching the rest of the world. This is not about trust although you are fast losing our trust, but about insurances...It has been recognised that that is what is needed by the UN and the EU and you can get as many resolutions you want but I am positive that right will win.