Bananiot wrote:Are you now insinuating that I support the TMT pyrpolyser? What I have claimed, and this is my firm belief, is that TMT would be treading on thin water had we not provided the excuse. Had Sampson and Yiorgadgis, along with Lissarides, not been murdering kids and women in Omorfita, but extended a warm hand to the ordinary Turkish Cypriots, TMT would have found it extremely difficult to recruit members. Samson, a known murderer, was given a heroes status and went visiting villages and communities where young women showered him with flowers. Makarios, I am sorry to say, at best kept silent and allowed the paramilitary to dictate its terms.
It is extremely childish indeed to think that a proposition to change the Constitution is a light hearted affair. It is easy to blame the Turks as if they encouraged makarios to go ahead in order to use it as an excuse but, despite being very young at the time, I remember clearly the time when Makarios went on a state visit to Turkey and Inonu, this serene gentleman, urged Makarios "your beautitude, please do not go ahead". It makes no sense trying to deny this and keep the Greek Cypriots in the dark, constantly believing that they are always the victims, when the whole world knows about it. Of course, Kifeas has categoricaly said that "who cares about the international community" but this is only another example of how apolitical this person is.
Of course I have heard of the rumours pyrpolyser but please also tell us who was spreading the rumours. Then we can make some safe deductions.
Chill out Bananiot! I am not insinuating anything!
I was just countering your OWN argument ,when you said those BIG WORDS that Pyrpolizer, carefully conceals the "NUMEROUS" times you wrote against TMT, perhaps to press home his point or to discredit you in the eyes of the GC readers.
These were your own words not mine!
I just proved to you that what you said about "the numerous times you wrote against TMT" is simply not true. In fact you never wrote anything else other than a few one liners where the word TMT appears. NOT ONE SINGLE COMPLETE POST AGAINST TMT! The forum search engine doesn't lie!

For me your position is very clear in fact you said it yourself earlier. No need to repeat it.
As for the rest of your post, GR already answered perfectly.