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Talat The Biggest Lying partitionsit that ever existed in Cy

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:50 pm

Good, we have one community remembering him, now we need to see how his memory is revered in the north, one less monument to Ataturk would not be missed if in its place there is a Cypriot name.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:06 pm

Bananiot wrote:I do not agree with the assertion that we have behaved in a mature way in the European Union. For a start, we are known for our monothematic stance re Cyprob and our almost total absence from the debates on important issues like the discussions on the Constitution a couple of years ago.

Can Cyprus possibly have any other view other than the total return of her territory to her rightful government? Do you honestly see other more important issues that should take precedence?

We have always viewed the EU as a vehicle that will vinticate our struggle.

So what's wrong with that? Cyprus does whatever Cyprus thinks is in her interests.

We are viwed upon as the black ship of Europe, more or less, and important people openly confess that it was a mistake to let us in with the problem unsolved. They reckon that we tricked them.

I don't see Cyprus as the black sheep in the EU, post evidence to support that and I'll happily counter that. As for the opinion of "important people" I hope you're not referring to the disgraced Gunther Verhoigen!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:10 pm

Bananiot wrote:"Only the truth serves national interests" this is my motto and I will adhere to this despite the indignant rantings of the pavement patriots for whom I have no respect at all.

Pyrpolyser has made a statement and one should look seriously at it. He claims that Turkey would have invaded, anyway. Probably, Kifeas will tell him off once again, but in my book, this argument cannot be supported with hard facts and basically it only serves the purpose of absolving the Greek Cypriot side of the responsibilities it has in this affair. Thus, I am going to stick to my motto (which of course I borrowed from Dionysios Solomos) and, no matter how much it hurts, I will lay down some painful truths.

You made a bold statement that WE brought Turkey here, I just tried to open your eyes to see the other side of the truth that you always tend to ignore.

The taksim plan was the Turkish Akritas plan. Both plans did not envision any violence except at their FINAL STAGES. 90% of the taksim plan was a peaceful withdrawal from the government, a peaceful organizing of the TCs in enclaves, a peaceful armaments built up, a peaceful joining the enclaves in bigger enclaves, and at the final stage an open armed conflict and a Turkish military invasion to grab 1/3 of Cyprus.

By telling me that my views are not supported by historical facts, is simply myopic.The facts are there for everybody to check. When there are 2 drivers on a car one turning the steering wheel left, and the other turning it to the right, you cannot seriously say that the crashing of the car is EXCLUSSIVELY the fault of the left driver. I implied to you before that the car would crash ANYWAY. (The invasion of Turkey would happen ANYWAY)

Btw I never accepted the argument that Taksim was just a reaction to Enosis. They were 2 parallel and quite different objectives.Simply the Taksim used Enosis as it's excuse.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:20 pm

Interesting point re Taksim and Enosis by Pyrpolizer.

In terms of a a future along Biregional Bicommunal lines, which community comes closest to its past objectives? Seems that a federation with deviations from EU law and attendant human rights is mighty close to partition. The challenge now is to formulate the Federal idea so it is free of Taksim elements but how to to do that when thenorth is largely populated by settlers? The challenges never end it seems.
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:51 pm

Get Real!
what rightfull goverment of cyprus you talking about the one that is run by eoka that works for greece. or the tmt. that works for turkey.

but i'm interested in knowing if there is anyone running for office that is a true cypriot and is not a greek or a turk..

but then again reading the post in this forum one soon realizes that there are no cypriots there is just greeks and turks in cyprus.what the feck happened to cypriot people.
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:18 pm

I would like to thank Nikitas, Pyrpoliser and Get Real for their involvement in this thread. Unfortunately I no more have the time and more importantly the patience to keep going circles in confronting Bananiot’s one-sided, provocative, and nearly insulting one-sided and back-stabbing attitude; I am however sure that you can also clearly see how corrupted his views and attitude have become!

It is not a coincidence that the solution of the Cyprus issue has taken such a downturn during the late years of Klerides administration, during which Bananiot's EDY party line was a co-partner with him! It is also no wonder why the same extremist and provocative party line has been condemned and completely marginalized by the Greek Cypriot society, as they have lost even the single MP they used to have in the parliament, regardless of the fact they may claim that they (this less than 1%) are the only honest and clever ones among the entire GC population!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:02 pm


Well I believe the key to Bananiot’s thinking is here:

Bananiot wrote: Only by staring history in the eyes can we understand the mistakes and the policies (of both sides) that have brought us to the brink of partition. I can only speak about the mistakes and policies of my side and make an effort to comprehend what leads us to the nationalist blindness (it is always the fault of the others) and most important to the political cowardiness (hush, your damaging our cause).

He believes by pointing ONLY his own side’s wrong doings, he contributes towards understanding/reconciliation and final unification of our country.
I wouldn’t say what he is doing is bad per se.It depends how far it goes… By telling me for example that the Anan Plan was gold, not only he crosses the line but he also contradicts with his original scope, which presumably was for unification. But for unification to survive,the prerequisite is that it would NOT lead to worse events than what we already (both communities) suffered. The Anan Plan would lead to final COLLAPSE and PARTITION within a maximum of 6 months!

Personally I prefer people who can tell both sides of the truth. He says he serves the truth as per National poet Dionysios Solomos, yet he admitted above, that he serves only half the truth….
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Postby Kifeas » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:31 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:@kifeas

Well I believe the key to Bananiot’s thinking is here:

Bananiot wrote: Only by staring history in the eyes can we understand the mistakes and the policies (of both sides) that have brought us to the brink of partition. I can only speak about the mistakes and policies of my side and make an effort to comprehend what leads us to the nationalist blindness (it is always the fault of the others) and most important to the political cowardiness (hush, your damaging our cause).

He believes by pointing ONLY his own side’s wrong doings, he contributes towards understanding/reconciliation and final unification of our country.
I wouldn’t say what he is doing is bad per se.It depends how far it goes… By telling me for example that the Anan Plan was gold, not only he crosses the line but he also contradicts with his original scope, which presumably was for unification. But for unification to survive,the prerequisite is that it would NOT lead to worse events than what we already (both communities) suffered. The Anan Plan would lead to final COLLAPSE and PARTITION within a maximum of 6 months!

Personally I prefer people who can tell both sides of the truth. He says he serves the truth as per National poet Dionysios Solomos, yet he admitted above, that he serves only half the truth….

I would have been happy if he was "serving" even half the truth! Unfortunately he is not "serving" even a quarter of the truth! It is endless the catalogue of his distortions, his exaggerations, his twisting of logic and his lies! He is the type of person that would have burned the entire country, from one end to the other, as long as one of those to be burned inside will be Papadopoulos! Such is his corruption, mental and moral downgrading! He is worst than Nero!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:01 pm

Perhaps we should have a permanent “Citizen’s Exchange” just as we have temporary “Student Exchange”; for example we could exchange Bananiot for Birki or Kikapu and that would eliminate any confusion to their respective communities or… just accept him as a variant of diversity and get on with life. :)
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:09 pm

free_cyprus wrote:Get Real!
what rightfull goverment of cyprus you talking about the one that is run by eoka that works for greece. or the tmt. that works for turkey.

but i'm interested in knowing if there is anyone running for office that is a true cypriot and is not a greek or a turk..

but then again reading the post in this forum one soon realizes that there are no cypriots there is just greeks and turks in cyprus.what the feck happened to cypriot people.

I'll give you a lot of credit for the PHENOMENAL improvement in your spelling, grammar, AND paragraphing, in your posts but unfortunately I can't say the same for their CONTENT... to suggest that the RoC of the 21st century is run by “EOKA” is ludicrous!
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