Nikitas wrote:Whoever takes the first step in this direction of catharsis would be proving his courage. Will it happen, and when? One of the things I hope to see in my lifetime. Then we will be on the way to solving the "problem" I think.
humanist wrote:Dear Birkibrisli, I disagree with you on the matter of those responsible for the attrocities still being in power. I believe the solution in the Cypro lies with Cypriots themselves. The people need to stand up and shout, there ught to be a peace rally each and every weekend where Cypriots from both sides of the divide meet and congragate, and refugees occupying homes that are not righfully theirs need to hand the keys back to rightful owners, then you will see that things will move. As the leaders on both sides will be cornered and will have to act appropriately.
Murataga wrote:Get Real! wrote:Bananiot wrote:In 2003 tens of thousands of Turkish Cypriots were demonstrating for a solution to the Cyprob (some of them brandishing RoC flags) calling for the resignation of Denktash. We remained in our homes and watched in fear as our compatriots tore out an idol who seemed untouchable until then and demanded solution to a problem that supposedly had been solved in 1974. During this crucial period we had the bad luck to have as our President an outright rejectionist. Repeating the stupid mistakes of the past we started sending the wrong type of signals to the Turkish Cypriots and eventually we threw a NO to their face which was interpreted as "bugger off, we do not want you". Once again we sent them reeling to the warm embrace of mother Turkey and brought partition a lot closer.
Just because the Turkish Cypriots held 2-3 anti-Denktash demonstrations in 2003 you think the GC community forgot all about the THREE DECADES of Denktash politics and the OVERWHELMING SUPPORT for the greater part of that period from the TC community, whom today you are trying to portray as poor victims who were “reaching out”?
No, no, no, no… it doesn’t work like that my friend because post-war Cyprus starts from Aug1974 and not 2003!
What did the TC community do in the period of Aug 74…2003 to EARN any support and/or sympathy from the GC community apart from raising a couple of RoC flags during those demonstrations three decades on and upon sensing EU membership?
Perhaps the TC community foolishly assumed in 2003 that all is Ok now 30 years on because the 200,000 odd GC refugees have disappeared, the 5,000 odd GC dead have been raised, the many wounded healed, the scarred miraculously cured, and the memories of all the above magically wiped clean…
I’ll remind you all that even to this day there is STILL a mother traversing the planet looking for her now 35 year old STOLEN son!!! This is but ONE of the thousands of horror stories from July 1974 that all these people above have had bottled up inside them for 30 years and they could probably fill up 10 bloody DVDs!
Today in yet another slap in the face, Bananiot is asking “Why didn’t the people above rush to the border, or encourage their government to aid and/or support this community in 2003?”
The answer to that Bananiot is that only somebody who DID NOT experience July 1974, and the subsequent pain of the next three decades could possibly wonder why…
Take your alleged war crimes up with Turkey. What did we do to deserve to live sealed in enclaves deprived even of medical supplies, get butchered, ambargoed and ejected from the government for 11 years before 1974? The answer is simple and it is written in the hearts and mind of any TC that went through that horrible era: We refused ENOSIS and we refused to give up our rights in a partnership state in which you and we agreed to establish in the first place. For this we got ejected from the government, we got enclaved, we got murdered, we got ambargoed and we got full-scale military attacks from the Greek-Army which your leader invited to this island before any Turkish soldier was present. And now you are painting us as criminals because we managed survive that ordeal and have set up a perimeter which you can not breach to go on with what you started. You were violating our rights before 1974, don’t act like this is about 1974. 1974 is nothing but the time when we started to manage living outside the enclaves like humans once again, and for that you have the nerve to call us criminals. But now that you are unable to do anything other than embargo us you are miserable. But blame no one, for it is your greed and racist nature that has brought you your own misery. Should you learn from your mistakes and start to respect our security and existence in this island, should you pay back for what you have stolen, which is our political rights, and what you have usurped which is the RoC government, should you come and beg for mercy and forgiveness from every TC that you have made to suffer for the past 44 years, and should every TC forgives you, than we might have something to talk about for a solution. Other than that, all bets are off.
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