humanist wrote:stuballstu
I am able to see your point of you. Agree to unification and you can have your land for the aiport, see that difference I can offer it to you. What I am saying in a unified country it shouldn't matter, you will have use of the aiport. A governement inquission to build a public utility. I cannot see why cause the government of your country to demolsih a public utility for one or two people's benefit, but if theowners do want it back sure give it back I say. Same goes for the occupied areas, if my home was taken to build ercan aiport sure keep it give me some reimbursement and keep it, but this is how petty we all are. Cyprus is so smal it probaly would not require three aiport but I bet you want one too. Okay keep it. Think however what your answer will be if wanted my land back. The same goes if you built a hospital reimburse the owner and keep it. It is different from exploiting the land by individuals from other individuals, that is all I am saying. There is the difference. I appreciate you may not agree with me what I would kindly ask you to do is at least try and understand me. I would be happy to offer clarification.
Humanist TC's agreed to the last effort by the UN for a political settlement in Cyprus. Now we know that the TC who owns the land that Larnaca airport is built on is never getting his land back, he will get financial compensation instead. But why does he have to wait until a political solution to recieve compensation, why can't the government offer it to all the TC landowners who have had property used for public works. Would it be because there is more TC land being used than they want people to know about? As i said i disagree with the wholesale selling of GC property in the north, not only is it illegal it is immoral. I understand about public works compulsary purchases etc but land exploitation is also going on in the south. Please do go to Mandria and see it for yourself as an example. I can not comment on other places as I only have personal experience of what is happening in Mandria as we looked at buying property there. There are many GC who are living in denial that these practices are not going on in the south. They are. Many GC's will ignore it as it does not suit their arguement.
I do try to keep my views as balanced as possible having spent a lot of time in Cyprus and in the company of Cypriots regardless of what language or religion they are. However i do try to be consistant. I dont think it is fair that tourists are told that all the land in the north and hotels in the north belonged to GC's and were stolen from them whilst at the same time come and land at an airport that we have "borrowed" the land from a TC who will get compensation when a settlement is reached. They are tantamount to the same thing.