For the uninitiated,this is the person who is the most trusted man in the NOrth of a certain Tayyip Erdogan,also known as the Prime Minister of Turkey...He was the man named as being instumental in the demise of the previous CTP-DP coalition government.He has supposedly organised the defection of MPs from DP and UBP,and the founding of the ORP party,which is the junior partner in the present CTP-ORP coalition...
And what was this aspiring politician's first political utterance???
He claimed that the Turkish settlers in the North were being discriminating against!!! And he promised to make it his business to help improve the lot of these poor individuals...So you have heard it here first...The people who have been brought to the island to outnumber the TCs and take away their political power;the people who have turned the roads in the North into killing fields;the people who run the casinos,the gambling joints and the brothels;and the people who were given freely GC refugee lands and became rich selling them to the foreigners now have the status of being disadvantaged. And they have a defender in Mr Ahmet Yonluer,Erdogan's hatchet man in the trnc...Sit back and watch the rise and rise of this man of the moment...