tessintrnc wrote:Me too Birkibrisli - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Tess x
That is very kind of you,dear Tess.
Joy,light, and hapiness to you and your family.
tessintrnc wrote:Me too Birkibrisli - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Tess x
Birkibrisli wrote:Pyros...thanks for pointing out to Eric Dayi that I was just reporting in general of what I know about certain prejudices mainland Turks have about TCs...I am sure FilthmouthErika knew exactly what I meant but chose to take it personally,so he can indulge in his favourite pastime :throwing personal insults and filth at those whose opinions he does not agree with. He is truly a classical bully...Bullies are really cowards deep down,who put on this act of brovado to cover up their feelings of inadequecy. And they have very thin skins...They cannot take one hundreth of the insults they throw at other people,they explode,go way over the top,as he did with me...
I gave him the benefit of the doubt,and was consolitary towards him,because I felt guilty for causing him some anguish. He is a human being after all,and did not deserve to be insulted the way I insulted him after his filthy attacks on me...I have high expectations of myself ,but failed to live upto them on this ocassion.I am sorry you and the rest of the forum had to be exposed to such language that came form him and from me too...Hovever much I was provoked,I should not have retaliated the way I did...
I am off to Canberra for a few days to visit a cousin who is dying of cancer at age 45...Stuff like this puts everything into perspective. It makes you realise what is what is not really important in life...Please do me and yourself a favour,and do not respond to Erika's provocations. He is best left to roll in his own filth...![]()
Viewpoint wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Pyros...thanks for pointing out to Eric Dayi that I was just reporting in general of what I know about certain prejudices mainland Turks have about TCs...I am sure FilthmouthErika knew exactly what I meant but chose to take it personally,so he can indulge in his favourite pastime :throwing personal insults and filth at those whose opinions he does not agree with. He is truly a classical bully...Bullies are really cowards deep down,who put on this act of brovado to cover up their feelings of inadequecy. And they have very thin skins...They cannot take one hundreth of the insults they throw at other people,they explode,go way over the top,as he did with me...
I gave him the benefit of the doubt,and was consolitary towards him,because I felt guilty for causing him some anguish. He is a human being after all,and did not deserve to be insulted the way I insulted him after his filthy attacks on me...I have high expectations of myself ,but failed to live upto them on this ocassion.I am sorry you and the rest of the forum had to be exposed to such language that came form him and from me too...Hovever much I was provoked,I should not have retaliated the way I did...
I am off to Canberra for a few days to visit a cousin who is dying of cancer at age 45...Stuff like this puts everything into perspective. It makes you realise what is what is not really important in life...Please do me and yourself a favour,and do not respond to Erika's provocations. He is best left to roll in his own filth...![]()
Bir its obvious you are more in synch with GCs than you are TCs why dont you just move to the "RoC" and live there happily ever after? you have what you want there with your brothers, why do you demand we do the same when we are obviously do not think like you, if you are so keen to live in a GC state as a minority then you have it made in the south.
Kikapu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Eric dayi wrote:Kikapu wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:Nikitas wrote:Bir told us,
Today, September 14, Yonluer announced the founding of his politial party with adverts in the Turkish Cypriot press.
Thanks for remembering,Nikitas...
When Talat and Soyer serve their purpose,they will be tossed away like Denktash was...Mr Yonluer's party will come to power on the back of the majority settler voters...Welcome to the Islamic Republic of North Cyprus,as my karma says...![]()
Do you think the Turkish Military in the "TRNC" is going to exercise it's "Military Coup" options to keep it a "secular state" so that the Casinos and the Whorehouses remain open, not to mention the flow of illegal Drug Trade.
Is that the same scenario in the South Greek side with all those casinos and whore houses all over the place kikapu?
I really do not know, but what I do know is, that the Turkish Military have a track record of staging a Military Coups....well at least 4 times in the last 30 years or so, but then again, who's counting.
It is apparent that some members are not able to follow a conversation and take things out of contexts. I was not arguing against the Casinos, whorehouses or the illegal Drug Trade in the "TRNC", but would the Military stage a coup to protect these industries against formation of an "Islamic Republic of Northern Cyprus", since if such a thing were to happen, you can kiss goodbye to these industries in the "TRNC".
Now do you and some of your followers get it Eric Dayi. Some people do have a very short attention span and have a hard time following a very simple conversation from one post to the next. Just for you Eric Dayi, all the relevant posts on this topic are all bunched together above, so if you read them all quickly, you may be able to understand what the posts are saying.
Garagoz wrote:"True Cypriots"? HA HA HA! Yeah rightMore like 'Wannabe Cypriots' or 'Greekish Cypriots' if you're lucky!!!!
Us (TRUE) Turkish Cypriots already know that we can get along with GCs providing we kiss their asses as much as you two do!
I say this because you two believe everything you hear from GCs and dismiss anything you hear from us. You NEVER question the GCs or their policies (probably because you've adopted them yourselves)...but those bloody bishops getting involved in politics, the Greek flags, Tpapas involvement with EOKA along with MAAAANY other things are all overlooked and brushed under the carpet, but when it comes to us you even have the audacity to argue with us over our own surnames...it's pathetic!!!!
If we still had Denktash as president we'd be hearing "a currupt society run by a terrorist" everyday...and we would not hear the last of it (AND YOU KNOW IT!), it would be your number 1 weapon but since it's the GCs with an ex-terrorist president you're quick to turn a blind eye and drop to your knees time and time again. We've already said so many times theres a lot of things that need to be resolved before we can live together....if the RoC isn't perfect (which it isn't) then why are you (Kikapudopoulous and BK) hounding for us to move there? Why don't you ever question the RoCs policies and instead opt to excuse it by telling us something lame along the lines of "but the TCs are my people so they're the ones I can speak out to"....all the while claiming to be """""objective"""""![]()
Isn't it funny how you go on about the 70 million Turks when (at most) ONLY 100 thousand of them have ended up in Cyprus???? 100 thousand Turks are way too much for you but you want to FORCE US with your manipulation (and without a solution if it were upto you) into moving in with 700 thousand people who according to you are "just the right size" for us to live with!And who can forget Kikapu trying to tell us some months ago that we can live with the GCs because they went and bought him baklava in the early hours of the morning.
And to make matters worse I'm seen as a bad person for not agreeing with these two....well sorry but they're not genuine in my opinion....if they were more honest and admitted they were pro-Greek then it wouldn't be so bad, but they have the cheeeeeek to claim they're "objective". They are NOT objective and it's when I read their post that I oppose unification...simply put, they're everything we don't want to be as Turkish Cypriots and if anything they're setting a BAD EXAMPLE to TCs regarding a united Cyprus.
Again,please don't get me wrong and this is really important in this post, it's NOT their unification dream I am against but I NEVER want to be in a position where I HAVE TO agree with GCs in absolutely EVERYTHING, with no questions asked, in order to live safely or comfortably in Cyprus. This is exactly what we don't want and it's exactly what these two do continuously on the forum and they still expect us to "see the light".
The GCs refugees MOST DEFINATELY without a shadow of a doubt DESERVE to return back to their ancestral homes...it's their right and I can only imagine what it would be like not be able to live in the area of Cyprus which means a lot to me...I'm all for the refugees plight!
The Greek Cypriot government on the other hand (and in my opinion) DOES NOT deserve to control the whole island and I forever refuse to fight for this cause. With GCs you either have to agree with everything or nothing at all. This is my stance and if people can't accept it then thats too bad...This is exactly the kind of choice I would like to have in a united Cyprus without being forced to "do it the Greek way" (no pun intended.....if ya know what I mean!?!?!?![]()
If they REALLY want to prove we can get along with the GCs then I would like to see them be as harsh on the GCs as they are with us...give it a few months like this and THEN come tell us everything would be fine. AS IF they would ever have the courage to do that though....
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