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Kill Turks

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:15 pm

GreekForumer wrote:It appears this "Operation Atilla" article was created by a contributor called Expatkiwi. The same Expatkiwi on no doubt.

He wrote the following paragraph on the first edit of the Wiki page and has stayed there, in a modified form, ever since.

Expatkiwi at 22:45, 29 September 2005 wrote:The initial invasion secured the port city of [[Kyrenia]]/Girne, and a raod access to the Cypriot capital city of [[Nicosia]], which secured the northern (Turkish) sector. The second stage of the operation extended Turkish control out to cover the north-eastern two-thirds of the island, stretching from [[Kokkina exclave|Kokkina]]/Erenköy in the west to [[Cape Andreas Aspostos]] in the east. This latter move was justified on the grounds that as the Turkish Cypriots had ownership of 31% of the island before 1963 - and were forced off into enclaves of just 4% of the land in the wake of the intercommunal violence, taking control of over 30% of the north was seen as redressing those land losses. ... d=24353189

Reputable and Independent indeed, BigOz! :D

Thanks for the tip-off. Expatkiwi has been dealt with on three fronts. :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:23 pm

zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
zan wrote:
Kikapu wrote:CopperLine,

I need to ask you a direct question.

Were you by any chance the legal adviser to Bill Clinton during his Impeachment times. If you remember, Clinton used the phrase what the definition of "is" is. Then he said, "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky", then turns out, she gave him a "blow job", in which Clinton said " I was not having sex with her, instead she was having sex with me". His logic being of course was, she was doing it to him, therefore it was her who was having sex with him. (I'm innocent your honour). Then later on, it was the cigar that was having sex with Lewinsky, since it was the cigar that was put inside her and not any parts from Clinton. Foreplay was not considered sex either ....That man could weasel out of anything. No wonder he was called the "Teflon Man" because what ever was thrown at him, nothing stuck.

The reason I ask is, you are using similar explanations to various questions to the Cyprus issues. For example, the definitions of Military Occupation,...... definition of Guarantor Powers,... what is a reliable census account, ......was it more reliable back in 1960, 1974, or 2004. Don't you think people knew how to count in those "medieval" times of the 1960's. Ever since I was a kid, and later in life, we TC's always accepted our population to be 4:1 ratio to the GC's in the 60's. Damn it CL, man went to the Moon in the late 60's, so stands the reason, we were able to count also.

I was very impressed with you when you first came on to the Forum, but you have slowly but surely have lost some credibility with me. So much that, I even made you one of us...a Cypriot in my recent post.

I did not attach a ethnicity on you yet, but I'm sure it will be coming soon.

4:1 what :roll: One Greek Cypriot and three honorary Greeks to one Turkish Cypriot.....Same on all Greek islands I think.....Make all friendlies Greek and the rest Muslims........Nice one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So, do you or do you not agree to the 4:1 ratio Zan.

Keep it short please. If the answer is a NO, then please go ahead and explain yourself.


When you start answering my simple questions and stop avoiding them then I will oblige you......Besides you are the one that I am a lightwieght...How about you tell us how many of those 4 are real GCs......Real ones mind you and not just a a popodopolous after each name........ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

If you paid attention to my original post, I said when I was a kid in the 60's and later in life, that the ratio was always accepted to be 4:1 ratio by the TC's.

So the key words here are "in the 60's". Who else would have been living in Cyprus in the 60's aside from GC's and TC's mostly.???

If this does not answer your question, then you don't want to know the answer.

Now, answer my question please.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:27 am

Piratus talks about restoring human rights once the 'Turkish Occupation' is ended. Does that include the rights of the Turkish Cypriots? Or doesn't Piratus regard the Turkish Cypriots as human? And that graffiti alluded to in the first posting on this forum shows (south) Cyprus' tacit agreement of that philosophy, if there has been no effort to have it removed...
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Postby Piratis » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:45 pm

Expatkiwi, I many times said that the human rights of all Cypriots should be restored. It is not us who insist on crimes and illegalities.

"Kill Turks" refers to the invader of our country, the ones we are at war with, and Cypriots have every right to fight back and protect the sovereignty of their country. Do you know any country that wouldn't do the same?
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:24 pm

Piratis wrote:Expatkiwi, I many times said that the human rights of all Cypriots should be restored. It is not us who insist on crimes and illegalities.

"Kill Turks" refers to the invader of our country, the ones we are at war with, and Cypriots have every right to fight back and protect the sovereignty of their country. Do you know any country that wouldn't do the same?

You conveniently forget that invading forces normally attack a whole nation and not just a certain portion of the people to save those facing danger and anniahalation.

Has there intervention not brought an end to the strife and persecution of TCs inflicted by a racist and discriminative GC leadership again using the same tactics of today to isolate and stifle the economic growth of TCs, nothing new there.

Would you rather we lived like Israeli and Palastinians with bombs going off all the time and innocent people being killed every day? at least since 1974 no one has lived in fear for their lives and have developed in all areas of life, you cannot deny this reality just look at the south and north of the island.
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Postby DT. » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:43 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:Expatkiwi, I many times said that the human rights of all Cypriots should be restored. It is not us who insist on crimes and illegalities.

"Kill Turks" refers to the invader of our country, the ones we are at war with, and Cypriots have every right to fight back and protect the sovereignty of their country. Do you know any country that wouldn't do the same?

You conveniently forget that invading forces normally attack a whole nation and not just a certain portion of the people to save those facing danger and anniahalation.

Has there intervention not brought an end to the strife and persecution of TCs inflicted by a racist and discriminative GC leadership again using the same tactics of today to isolate and stifle the economic growth of TCs, nothing new there.

Would you rather we lived like Israeli and Palastinians with bombs going off all the time and innocent people being killed every day? at least since 1974 no one has lived in fear for their lives and have developed in all areas of life, you cannot deny this reality just look at the south and north of the island.

To correct you VP, ths GC side has developed its lives despite the fear from 40,000 troops pointing their guns at them on the green line and the paranoia that whatever they rebuild could be taken away from the once again by the turkish army.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:48 pm

DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:Expatkiwi, I many times said that the human rights of all Cypriots should be restored. It is not us who insist on crimes and illegalities.

"Kill Turks" refers to the invader of our country, the ones we are at war with, and Cypriots have every right to fight back and protect the sovereignty of their country. Do you know any country that wouldn't do the same?

You conveniently forget that invading forces normally attack a whole nation and not just a certain portion of the people to save those facing danger and anniahalation.

Has there intervention not brought an end to the strife and persecution of TCs inflicted by a racist and discriminative GC leadership again using the same tactics of today to isolate and stifle the economic growth of TCs, nothing new there.

Would you rather we lived like Israeli and Palastinians with bombs going off all the time and innocent people being killed every day? at least since 1974 no one has lived in fear for their lives and have developed in all areas of life, you cannot deny this reality just look at the south and north of the island.

To correct you VP, ths GC side has developed its lives despite the fear from 40,000 troops pointing their guns at them on the green line and the paranoia that whatever they rebuild could be taken away from the once again by the turkish army.

Im sorry to hear that DT but its like taking some of your medicine, think how it was for TCs during 1963 to 1974 they were discriminated against and lived in constant fear from the "compariots".
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Postby DT. » Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
DT. wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:Expatkiwi, I many times said that the human rights of all Cypriots should be restored. It is not us who insist on crimes and illegalities.

"Kill Turks" refers to the invader of our country, the ones we are at war with, and Cypriots have every right to fight back and protect the sovereignty of their country. Do you know any country that wouldn't do the same?

You conveniently forget that invading forces normally attack a whole nation and not just a certain portion of the people to save those facing danger and anniahalation.

Has there intervention not brought an end to the strife and persecution of TCs inflicted by a racist and discriminative GC leadership again using the same tactics of today to isolate and stifle the economic growth of TCs, nothing new there.

Would you rather we lived like Israeli and Palastinians with bombs going off all the time and innocent people being killed every day? at least since 1974 no one has lived in fear for their lives and have developed in all areas of life, you cannot deny this reality just look at the south and north of the island.

To correct you VP, ths GC side has developed its lives despite the fear from 40,000 troops pointing their guns at them on the green line and the paranoia that whatever they rebuild could be taken away from the once again by the turkish army.

Im sorry to hear that DT but its like taking some of your medicine, think how it was for TCs during 1963 to 1974 they were discriminated against and lived in constant fear from the "compariots".

does that make this right?
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Postby Piratis » Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:05 pm

VP, Hitler used the same excuse to invade Czechoslovakia.

At that time (a bit before WWII) Germany was a superpower and everybody else closed their eyes to this crime committed by Hitler.

But after the balance of power changed. Now go ask what happened to the German minority that once existed there and that Hitler used them as an excuse for invasion.

Republic of Cyprus is an independent sovereign state, part of which is illegally occupied by Turkey, the modern day Nazis. You can use as many lame excuses as you want, just like Hitler did, but that does not legalize your crime, and soon justice will be served either you like it or not.

Cyprus, including its north part, is an island that has a great majority of GCs. This is a fact you need to deal with, and when you do you will be able to live in Cyprus as equal citizens with your human + minority rights like in every either democratic country. If on the other hand you try to create a Turkish country on our land, then sooner or later you will get what Hitler got for your crimes.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:07 am

Piratis wrote:VP, Hitler used the same excuse to invade Czechoslovakia.

At that time (a bit before WWII) Germany was a superpower and everybody else closed their eyes to this crime committed by Hitler.

But after the balance of power changed. Now go ask what happened to the German minority that once existed there and that Hitler used them as an excuse for invasion.

Republic of Cyprus is an independent sovereign state, part of which is illegally occupied by Turkey, the modern day Nazis. You can use as many lame excuses as you want, just like Hitler did, but that does not legalize your crime, and soon justice will be served either you like it or not.

Cyprus, including its north part, is an island that has a great majority of GCs. This is a fact you need to deal with, and when you do you will be able to live in Cyprus as equal citizens with your human + minority rights like in every either democratic country. If on the other hand you try to create a Turkish country on our land, then sooner or later you will get what Hitler got for your crimes.

Piratis, your argument reeks as usual. Do you think that TCs want to give up their freedom so they can have 'minority rights?' Dream on. Forget Herr Heitler comparison. It will never happen.
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