Kifeas wrote:Viewpoint wrote:humanist wrote:VPWhats the problem with having 2 states where every Cypriot can decide where they wish to live accepting the administration of that state, this is what you want us to accept why do you have problems accepting it yourselves?
As I said before I don't have a problem with two states withn the nation Island of the Federal State of Cyprus. I would even push for the boundaries to stay as they are. With right of return for all refugees and demilitarisation of the Country.
The difference between your argument above and mine is that you advocate for a divided country. One that was not prior to 74. Yes there was problems in the 60 and of course 70 however, very little troubles before that since the Ottoman period when Turkish people immigrated to Cyprus.
We pretty much support the same kind of solution which many Gcs like Piratis and Kifeas do not as they wish to use their numerical strength to rule the whole island and reduce us to a minority pretty much like you are down under. The difference being that you chose to go live there as a foreigner but for me this is my country not a GC country like the south, this is where I belong and ı will not be reduced to feeling like a TC who live in the UK or Australia.
Since we are sick and tired reading your pervasive claims, we are ready to consider your 18% of territory and 18% of coastline map, even if this will include my hometown of Lapithos, so that we will start building that 12 meter wall along the boarder, and get rid of each other! Do it soon, otherwise you will continue your isolation and non-recognision, besides causing Turkey’s definite lose of it’s EU accession process!
You seem to think that your isolation threats carry water well Kifeas the 1960s were bad times for TCs but we have everything the rest is just inconveniences which we can tolerate and have done so for the last 33 years, do we want things to be better of course we do but so do the British in the Uk and the French in France, never over estimate the power you feel you have over us in trying to get us to submit to your ideology on how Cyprus should be run or look. If the majority of Tcs accepted 18% I would go along with them but you have yet to provide one example where the land distribution of a country was ever based on population ratios. You do not have to build a physical wall to place borders in peoples minds you are experts at ensuring they exist in the majority of TC minds by your own warped policies and treatment of what you yourselves claim are your citizens.