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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:44 am

humanist wrote:VP you can be equal partners by not violating your partners rights, freedoms or choices. Otherwise it may appear selfish accompanied by the notion that you are better than your partner.

We do not want to take away your rights in a united Cyprus as long as you understand that we are equal partners and I am no less a partner due to my size. Our greatest fear is living in a country where we are foreigners, if that was the case then we might as well go live in the UK.

Whats the problem with having 2 states where every Cypriot can decide where they wish to live accepting the administration of that state, this is what you want us to accept why do you have problems accepting it yourselves?
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Happy end

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:42 pm

I am happy to report that today (Monday, 10 September) I passed the location of the graffiti which gave rise to this thread, and saw that somebody had aerosoled black squiggles over each occurence of the slogan which has also been used as the title for this thread, thus to a large extent obliterating them.
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Re: Happy end

Postby denizaksulu » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:46 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I am happy to report that today (Monday, 10 September) I passed the location of the graffiti which gave rise to this thread, and saw that somebody had aerosoled black squiggles over each occurence of the slogan which has also been used as the title for this thread, thus to a large extent obliterating them.

That must have been Piratis work. Good job Piratis, now we can close the thread.

I was just passing the green line the other day somebody has aerosoled the words KILL all ................ oh forget it.
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Re: Happy end

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:03 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:I am happy to report that today (Monday, 10 September) I passed the location of the graffiti which gave rise to this thread, and saw that somebody had aerosoled black squiggles over each occurence of the slogan which has also been used as the title for this thread, thus to a large extent obliterating them.

That must have been Piratis work. Good job Piratis, now we can close the thread.

I was just passing the green line the other day somebody has aerosoled the words KILL all ................ oh forget it.

Good job! Now could one of our TC members grab a few thousand sprays and go do that huge ugly graffiti on the pendadactylos mountain range?
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Postby humanist » Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:31 pm

Whats the problem with having 2 states where every Cypriot can decide where they wish to live accepting the administration of that state, this is what you want us to accept why do you have problems accepting it yourselves?

As I said before I don't have a problem with two states withn the nation Island of the Federal State of Cyprus. I would even push for the boundaries to stay as they are. With right of return for all refugees and demilitarisation of the Country.

The difference between your argument above and mine is that you advocate for a divided country. One that was not prior to 74. Yes there was problems in the 60 and of course 70 however, very little troubles before that since the Ottoman period when Turkish people immigrated to Cyprus.
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:32 am

humanist wrote:VP
Whats the problem with having 2 states where every Cypriot can decide where they wish to live accepting the administration of that state, this is what you want us to accept why do you have problems accepting it yourselves?

As I said before I don't have a problem with two states withn the nation Island of the Federal State of Cyprus. I would even push for the boundaries to stay as they are. With right of return for all refugees and demilitarisation of the Country.

The difference between your argument above and mine is that you advocate for a divided country. One that was not prior to 74. Yes there was problems in the 60 and of course 70 however, very little troubles before that since the Ottoman period when Turkish people immigrated to Cyprus.

We pretty much support the same kind of solution which many Gcs like Piratis and Kifeas do not as they wish to use their numerical strength to rule the whole island and reduce us to a minority pretty much like you are down under. The difference being that you chose to go live there as a foreigner but for me this is my country not a GC country like the south, this is where I belong and ı will not be reduced to feeling like a TC who live in the UK or Australia.
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Postby alexISS » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:07 am

Viewpoint wrote:they wish to use their numerical strength to rule the whole island and reduce us to a minority

From Wikipedia:
A minority or subordinate group is a sociological group that does not constitute a politically dominant plurality of the total population of a given society.

The Turkish Cypriots were a minority in Cyprus pre-74 and, ironically, they are again a minority in the "TRNC". Noone tries to reduce the TCs to a minority, they are and they have always been one, nothing wrong with that
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Postby humanist » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:18 am

Well, you better get whips happenin, speak to your leader about the above possible solution. Give and take a bit of the above, as you can believe we are dealing with politicians on this one and I doubt it they'll listen to me. I hope you are not a politician, and if you are I hope you don't take offence to my last coment about politicians.
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Postby Kifeas » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:20 am

Viewpoint wrote:
humanist wrote:VP
Whats the problem with having 2 states where every Cypriot can decide where they wish to live accepting the administration of that state, this is what you want us to accept why do you have problems accepting it yourselves?

As I said before I don't have a problem with two states withn the nation Island of the Federal State of Cyprus. I would even push for the boundaries to stay as they are. With right of return for all refugees and demilitarisation of the Country.

The difference between your argument above and mine is that you advocate for a divided country. One that was not prior to 74. Yes there was problems in the 60 and of course 70 however, very little troubles before that since the Ottoman period when Turkish people immigrated to Cyprus.

We pretty much support the same kind of solution which many Gcs like Piratis and Kifeas do not as they wish to use their numerical strength to rule the whole island and reduce us to a minority pretty much like you are down under. The difference being that you chose to go live there as a foreigner but for me this is my country not a GC country like the south, this is where I belong and ı will not be reduced to feeling like a TC who live in the UK or Australia.

Since we are sick and tired reading your pervasive claims, we are ready to consider your 18% of territory and 18% of coastline map, even if this will include my hometown of Lapithos, so that we will start building that 12 meter wall along the boarder, and get rid of each other! Do it soon, otherwise you will continue your isolation and non-recognision, besides causing Turkey’s definite lose of it’s EU accession process!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:42 am

alexISS wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:they wish to use their numerical strength to rule the whole island and reduce us to a minority

From Wikipedia:
A minority or subordinate group is a sociological group that does not constitute a politically dominant plurality of the total population of a given society.

The Turkish Cypriots were a minority in Cyprus pre-74 and, ironically, they are again a minority in the "TRNC". Noone tries to reduce the TCs to a minority, they are and they have always been one, nothing wrong with that

The TRNC has developed into a society full of its own citizens and we all live here together in peace far more than can be said living with GCs after the declaration of "RoC", there is a great difference and if you cannot see this then you will never find a solution to the Cyprus issue.
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