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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby karma » Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:20 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Well well well...I am sensing a certain hope in the air.
That we are finally (excuse the royal WE!!!) getting playful even in a thread like this...Now all we need to do is walk up to each other,look at each other's eyes,and tell each other 3 things we like about the other...
Then we embrace,say sorry,ask for forgiveness,give forgiveness,and swear eternal allegiance to each other...The rest will follow like night follows day... :wink: :D

Always the dreamer.

why not?
If U dont dream U had better not live...
What if dreams come true ?? :wink:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:00 am

karma wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Well well well...I am sensing a certain hope in the air.
That we are finally (excuse the royal WE!!!) getting playful even in a thread like this...Now all we need to do is walk up to each other,look at each other's eyes,and tell each other 3 things we like about the other...
Then we embrace,say sorry,ask for forgiveness,give forgiveness,and swear eternal allegiance to each other...The rest will follow like night follows day... :wink: :D

Always the dreamer.

why not?
If U dont dream U had better not live...
What if dreams come true ?? :wink:

Ah, Karagozlum neredelerdesin? Soryy BK :lol: :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:29 pm

Nikitas wrote:WIn votes how? He did not pull any rabbits out of the hat, it was not even a communications victory, it hardly received any covereage or analysis. And Talat is no dummy, he is a politician too, he must have wanted something out of it, but so far I cant figure out what they got out of the meeting. Three hours is along meeting by Cyprus Problem standards. They must have talked about something, and my feeling it is another instant of Cypriot secret diplomacy at work.

Nikitas how will Tasos fool voters about him wanting a soluton when he does not even meet with his equal on the other side?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:WIn votes how? He did not pull any rabbits out of the hat, it was not even a communications victory, it hardly received any covereage or analysis. And Talat is no dummy, he is a politician too, he must have wanted something out of it, but so far I cant figure out what they got out of the meeting. Three hours is along meeting by Cyprus Problem standards. They must have talked about something, and my feeling it is another instant of Cypriot secret diplomacy at work.

Nikitas how will Tasos fool voters about him wanting a soluton when he does not even meet with his equal on the other side?

For starters Talat is NOT Tasos Pappadopoulos’ "equal" so get that out of your head! TP is the democratically elected president of Cyprus and you'd better believe it.

Secondly, TP did meet up with the leader of the TC community (Talat) so quit complaining.

And last, your leader seems more interested in meeting up with Turks than Cypriots so that’s something you might want to contemplate.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:53 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
karma wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Well well well...I am sensing a certain hope in the air.
That we are finally (excuse the royal WE!!!) getting playful even in a thread like this...Now all we need to do is walk up to each other,look at each other's eyes,and tell each other 3 things we like about the other...
Then we embrace,say sorry,ask for forgiveness,give forgiveness,and swear eternal allegiance to each other...The rest will follow like night follows day... :wink: :D

Always the dreamer.

why not?
If U dont dream U had better not live...
What if dreams come true ?? :wink:

Ah, Karagozlum neredelerdesin? Soryy BK :lol: :lol:

Who is your Karagozlu,Deniz???

As far as I know karma has brown eyes,and mine are hazel...

Or did you remember another Hodja story??? :wink: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:03 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
karma wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Well well well...I am sensing a certain hope in the air.
That we are finally (excuse the royal WE!!!) getting playful even in a thread like this...Now all we need to do is walk up to each other,look at each other's eyes,and tell each other 3 things we like about the other...
Then we embrace,say sorry,ask for forgiveness,give forgiveness,and swear eternal allegiance to each other...The rest will follow like night follows day... :wink: :D

Always the dreamer.

why not?
If U dont dream U had better not live...
What if dreams come true ?? :wink:

Ah, Karagozlum neredelerdesin? Soryy BK :lol: :lol:

Who is your Karagozlu,Deniz???

As far as I know karma has brown eyes,and mine are hazel...

Or did you remember another Hodja story??? :wink: :lol:

We were on that subject and I was trying to
remember a song by Yuksel Kasap. I was trying to remember the name. Karma is good at correcting my errors. I dont know any karagozlu ladies. I knew a brown eye looong ago. :wink:

I a trying to think of another Hodja story, but none fits the description. Do you have one? :lol:


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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:09 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
karma wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:Well well well...I am sensing a certain hope in the air.
That we are finally (excuse the royal WE!!!) getting playful even in a thread like this...Now all we need to do is walk up to each other,look at each other's eyes,and tell each other 3 things we like about the other...
Then we embrace,say sorry,ask for forgiveness,give forgiveness,and swear eternal allegiance to each other...The rest will follow like night follows day... :wink: :D

Always the dreamer.

why not?
If U dont dream U had better not live...
What if dreams come true ?? :wink:

Ah, Karagozlum neredelerdesin? Soryy BK :lol: :lol:

Who is your Karagozlu,Deniz???

As far as I know karma has brown eyes,and mine are hazel...

Or did you remember another Hodja story??? :wink: :lol:

We were on that subject and I was trying to
remember a song by Yuksel Kasap. I was trying to remember the name. Karma is good at correcting my errors. I dont know any karagozlu ladies. I knew a brown eye looong ago. :wink:

I a trying to think of another Hodja story, but none fits the description. Do you have one? :lol:



The color usually refers to iris color. Nobody has black eyes. Unless you intend to give me one. But then it will be blue.

If we are not talking about the pupil, then

The black must refer to the Kohl women and some men use ontheir eyelids.

What are we talking about. Lets get on to the desperat Cyprus Talks.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:WIn votes how? He did not pull any rabbits out of the hat, it was not even a communications victory, it hardly received any covereage or analysis. And Talat is no dummy, he is a politician too, he must have wanted something out of it, but so far I cant figure out what they got out of the meeting. Three hours is along meeting by Cyprus Problem standards. They must have talked about something, and my feeling it is another instant of Cypriot secret diplomacy at work.

Nikitas how will Tasos fool voters about him wanting a soluton when he does not even meet with his equal on the other side?

For starters Talat is NOT Tasos Pappadopoulos’ "equal" so get that out of your head! TP is the democratically elected president of Cyprus and you'd better believe it.

Secondly, TP did meet up with the leader of the TC community (Talat) so quit complaining.

And last, your leader seems more interested in meeting up with Turks than Cypriots so that’s something you might want to contemplate.

Your miniture GC leader has nothing to do with us and only represents 63% of the island like it or not, he has no control or authority in the TRNC. We have our own democractically elected president Mr Mehmet Ali Talat, without who you cannot solve shit, so the sooner you realize we have a stake in this island whether is be divided or united the better it will be for everyone, without us you are only 63% and with your attitude you always will be.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:43 pm

Viewpoint wrote:I only respond to posters if I feel their arguements are sincere and not one sided, your posts are not only biased in favor of GCs but you have not once criticized the GC side, this raises questions in many peoples minds.

We have argued back and forth but your scarcastic verging on venomous attacks have no value in my book so I took the decision not to respond to your posts as their contents are still worthless drivel and a total waste of time as it always produces no result. There is a big difference we live the TRNC everyday, you dont and never will.

So whats the point of discussing anything with you better to agree to differ and leave it at that.

And I respect your decision for not wanting to respond to my posts.

But on the subject of what I write that is a total wasted on you and all the other PARTITIONIST, is because it does not support your aims. This is totally different than me NOT supporting my TC community. For you it is "either you are with us, or you are against us". Sorry, but I'm for a Cyprus and for all Cypriots and if that does not sit well with you, then you are the one with the issue and not me.

I criticize issues TC's posts that are designed to be inflammatory. Posts that contain half truths to extreme exaggerations do not sit well with me no matter who says it. These careless acts makes all TC's look bad. If I pick on the TC's, is because I want to keep us honest in what we say and not allow others to prove us wrong, which then they can say, "you see, all Turks are liars". We have enough negatives as it is and the fact the "TRNC" does not have a recognition, should speak volumes to you, as to why not. Well, I resent that, as many TC's do as well. When the Partitionist use every method to score political points with the GC's, I too get offended, as a Cypriot. Whether you like it or not, we are all Cypriots from the island, and by having drawn a line of division, does not take away us all being Cypriots. I know you will argue against this, but this is were we get into a lot of trouble and do not see each others points. When Piratis talks about "Pillars of Democracy" and I support that for all Cypriots, then I get accused of taking the side of the GC's. Shouldn't we all be supporting what Piratis is offering.??

Yes I can be very sarcastic which is mostly mixed in with humour at the expense of the other person. When it's done to me mostly by Zan, I just laugh it off. I know others can't deal with such sarcasm. It adds "colour" to the posts without harm done. I guess it is all a matter of each persons tolerance level.

Since I have been on the forum, I have never criticize Bananiot in what he says about his own community. Many times I have supported him, when he was attacked by his people. I accept what he writes as being accurate to the best of his knowledge. If I was so anti TC and pro GC, don't you think I would also attack him in what he writes, which some see it as anti GC. The answer is NO, because I appreciate the fact, that he knows his own people better than me. Bananiot has never criticized me either for my comments, regarding picking on some TC's posts. Perhaps he also shows respect to me, that I know my own people better than he, and allows me that courtesy. So at the end, I do what Bananiot does, but you love him and dislike me for doing the same thing. Can you figure out what is wrong with this picture by any chance.

By the way, I do not see very much communication between the TC's on this forum, when it comes to the Cyprus issue. All I see is a lot of "high fives" and a "pat on the butt" congratulations when a TC scores a political point against the GC's, with some jumping "up and down with their pom - poms" as cheer leaders. Most of the time, you all argue with the GC's and that's it. No wonder Zan responds to my posts, or else he would become "brain dead" from boredom. At least I challenge you guys in what you write. If it's a lot of BS, I'll let you know, and if it's not, I usually do not say anything, since there are plenty "Pom- Pom cheer leaders" already doing the "splits" in the air.

I do not need reassurances from the TC's in what I say by responding to my posts. Let them respond to yours and others. I don't take it personally. Perhaps at times they can't respond, to defend their position in what I criticize them on. Point is, nothing said is meant to be personal. The fact that those who live in the "TRNC" who does not agree with my posts, may well be, is because they do live in the "TRNC". I'm sure I do not need to explain what that means..
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:16 pm

Please you are not a hair on Bananiot who criticizes both sides fairly unlike you he does need the lowest form of debate scarcasm to explain clearly and precisely his points which gets my applause when I feel he is truely making valid arguements, you are nowhere in his league so refrain from making any sort of comparison.

Your whole post reeks of I am righteous venom against TCs, you know better than us who live here, then of course you right, well some of us dont give a shit about what you think thousands of miles away, we live the reality every day and are thankful for what we even though its unrecognized it a zillion times better than living under GC rule Do we want a better future of course we do but not any cost and definately not at the mercy of GCs, we will never live in a GC state run by GCs as just another minority, we are equal partners or no deal.

I do not see any point discussing anything further with an individual who I do not respect or feel will add anything to my view on the Cyprus they say you go your way and Ill go mine, ignoring each other is the best policy.
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