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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:17 pm

I just skimmed through the lates posts and it strikes me that most people here are non residents in Cyprus.

My take is that like the Greek Cypriots the Turkish Cypriot non residents tend to tow the line dictated by parties and factions in Cyprus. That much is evident in most posts.

I would have expected a more dynamic and more broadminded approach, and a more demanding one too. We should all be demanding our right to return to Cyprus, to be given incentives to return, if not to settle at least to start a business, or contribute with our knowledge and experience. Instead we adopt a passive attitude and applaude our home communities that have not managed to move ahead on even a single side issue in 33 years.

We are pathetic!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:47 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:I have just speed-read the last 10 pages or so and my head is spinning ...
During my membership of this forum,I have heard most of these arguments,time and time again,to the point that I can now look at the Nick of the poster,read the first and the last lines,and I know subconsciously what is in the middle...Sometimes I wonder what the point of it is!!! Do you feel some sort of orgasmic relief by accusing "the other" of all that you can think of? How are we ever going to find a solution if we,and our glorious leaders,can only see the world from one single perspective...How are we ever going to relieve the pain and suffering of those who had become refugees in their own country?Those who had to go into exile? Those who had no choice but leave in desperation and disgust,to provide some sort of predictable future for their loved-ones?

When are we going to grow up and accept the wrongs done by both sides?
And see the wrongs done by the outsiders,those deciders of other nations' fates?And the wrongs done by our "guarantors"?And the miserable treatment we have been getting from our "motherlands"?

When will we find it in our hearts to say "sorry" and ask for forgiveness?
When will we learn that to err is human and to forgive is cleansing and envigorating? And liberating...and soothing...and divinely inspiring?

When will we realise that only empathy and compassion can get us over the line?
Oh,God...I am starting to sound like a broken record too...So better stop while i think I am ahead... :wink: :)

Let us hope that this is what Talat/Papadopulos have in mind today, although I wouldn't bank on it. But as the saying goes "where there's hope there's a way".

I like better the old Cypriot saying I just made up: "Where there are politicians,there is no hope!..." :wink: :lol:

No BK, I hate to disagree with you. Where there is karma (no capitals) there is hope.. Are you saying there is no karma? beteen T and Tpap?

:wink: :wink:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:56 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:I have just speed-read the last 10 pages or so and my head is spinning ...
During my membership of this forum,I have heard most of these arguments,time and time again,to the point that I can now look at the Nick of the poster,read the first and the last lines,and I know subconsciously what is in the middle...Sometimes I wonder what the point of it is!!! Do you feel some sort of orgasmic relief by accusing "the other" of all that you can think of? How are we ever going to find a solution if we,and our glorious leaders,can only see the world from one single perspective...How are we ever going to relieve the pain and suffering of those who had become refugees in their own country?Those who had to go into exile? Those who had no choice but leave in desperation and disgust,to provide some sort of predictable future for their loved-ones?

When are we going to grow up and accept the wrongs done by both sides?
And see the wrongs done by the outsiders,those deciders of other nations' fates?And the wrongs done by our "guarantors"?And the miserable treatment we have been getting from our "motherlands"?

When will we find it in our hearts to say "sorry" and ask for forgiveness?
When will we learn that to err is human and to forgive is cleansing and envigorating? And liberating...and soothing...and divinely inspiring?

When will we realise that only empathy and compassion can get us over the line?
Oh,God...I am starting to sound like a broken record too...So better stop while i think I am ahead... :wink: :)

Let us hope that this is what Talat/Papadopulos have in mind today, although I wouldn't bank on it. But as the saying goes "where there's hope there's a way".

I like better the old Cypriot saying I just made up: "Where there are politicians,there is no hope!..." :wink: :lol:

No BK, I hate to disagree with you. Where there is karma (no capitals) there is hope.. Are you saying there is no karma? beteen T and Tpap?

:wink: :wink:

:lol: :lol:

I certainly hope there is no karma between Talat and Tpapa...Or I will kill them both!!! :wink: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:31 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:I have just speed-read the last 10 pages or so and my head is spinning ...
During my membership of this forum,I have heard most of these arguments,time and time again,to the point that I can now look at the Nick of the poster,read the first and the last lines,and I know subconsciously what is in the middle...Sometimes I wonder what the point of it is!!! Do you feel some sort of orgasmic relief by accusing "the other" of all that you can think of? How are we ever going to find a solution if we,and our glorious leaders,can only see the world from one single perspective...How are we ever going to relieve the pain and suffering of those who had become refugees in their own country?Those who had to go into exile? Those who had no choice but leave in desperation and disgust,to provide some sort of predictable future for their loved-ones?

When are we going to grow up and accept the wrongs done by both sides?
And see the wrongs done by the outsiders,those deciders of other nations' fates?And the wrongs done by our "guarantors"?And the miserable treatment we have been getting from our "motherlands"?

When will we find it in our hearts to say "sorry" and ask for forgiveness?
When will we learn that to err is human and to forgive is cleansing and envigorating? And liberating...and soothing...and divinely inspiring?

When will we realise that only empathy and compassion can get us over the line?
Oh,God...I am starting to sound like a broken record too...So better stop while i think I am ahead... :wink: :)

Let us hope that this is what Talat/Papadopulos have in mind today, although I wouldn't bank on it. But as the saying goes "where there's hope there's a way".

I like better the old Cypriot saying I just made up: "Where there are politicians,there is no hope!..." :wink: :lol:

No BK, I hate to disagree with you. Where there is karma (no capitals) there is hope.. Are you saying there is no karma? beteen T and Tpap?

:wink: :wink:

:lol: :lol:

I certainly hope there is no karma between Talat and Tpapa...Or I will kill them both!!! :wink: :lol:

:lol: We can expect good results then. Hurrah. There is light at the end of the tunnel and no need for pessimism. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:06 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:I have just speed-read the last 10 pages or so and my head is spinning ...
During my membership of this forum,I have heard most of these arguments,time and time again,to the point that I can now look at the Nick of the poster,read the first and the last lines,and I know subconsciously what is in the middle...Sometimes I wonder what the point of it is!!! Do you feel some sort of orgasmic relief by accusing "the other" of all that you can think of? How are we ever going to find a solution if we,and our glorious leaders,can only see the world from one single perspective...How are we ever going to relieve the pain and suffering of those who had become refugees in their own country?Those who had to go into exile? Those who had no choice but leave in desperation and disgust,to provide some sort of predictable future for their loved-ones?

When are we going to grow up and accept the wrongs done by both sides?
And see the wrongs done by the outsiders,those deciders of other nations' fates?And the wrongs done by our "guarantors"?And the miserable treatment we have been getting from our "motherlands"?

When will we find it in our hearts to say "sorry" and ask for forgiveness?
When will we learn that to err is human and to forgive is cleansing and envigorating? And liberating...and soothing...and divinely inspiring?

When will we realise that only empathy and compassion can get us over the line?
Oh,God...I am starting to sound like a broken record too...So better stop while i think I am ahead... :wink: :)


We are from the "old school" where when mistakes were made, they were corrected one way or another, and life moved on. Take a look at all that has happened during the WWI & WWII and look around and see whether there are any traces of Hate, Anger, Revenge, or Jubilation over the losers by the victors. No, that's because people can see where they went wrong and how the problems were corrected, and now they enjoy a prosperous and productive lives, enemy to enemy, with all their rights in place. But not us in Cyprus boy, because us Cypriots are special breed indeed. We are determined to milk the injustices to the last drop, because we are not done hurting each other yet. Our mind sets do belong to the 15th Century mentality as I've accused some on the forum. We do not deserve a better life for ourselves, because we are not willing to give a better life to others, who happened to be our neighbours, brothers and sisters. When I read some of the comments made by my own people, the TC's, I want to puke. I get so disgusted with all the Propaganda and all the Hate, and all the Greed, then I start questioning if I really belong to this community. It's not to say this does not go on from the GC side also, but I'm just talking about me and my community. If I can't have influence on what my people do, then don't ask me to blame the other side in what they do, because I expect more from my own people than others.

Now we have proof that you are living in your own little world which is far far removed from the TC that you think you are. The world is still reeling from both world wars and even from further back than that as in the British and the Ottoman Empires and you say they have forgotten...What the hell happened in and Yugoslavia then. What happened in the Falklands that went back for centuries....What is happening in Gibraltar and many other places in the world. What is happening even in the EU. The Jews still hate the Germans and the Americans still hate the Japanese. They may be doing business together but that is as far as it goes.

You still haven't realised that I am the only TC left talking to you and not at you and come to the conclusion that no one agrees with you :roll: :roll: :roll:

The Cyprus problem cannot be solved with just good wishes but also needs good deeds. You can wait all you like to get these good deeds from the "RoC" but it ain't gonna come. We have to argue this one out and the sensible people are doing just that. Shame you are on the other side...

It is because of the past that the "RoC" does not want to give us our rights under the Zurich agreement so how can we forget the past. They throw it our faces every day of the week. Their version has been distorted out of recognition though and you are happy to sit there and take it.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:07 pm

halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So bend over and let them do what they did in the past but dont expect anyone else to follow.

I knew I can count on one of our most famous 15th Century mentality TC to come forward. Give him another Hundred years, and he will step into the 16th Century. :cry: :cry:

?f u are realy care about your people pls stay silent and they can not fire back.try to talk nice thinks.

Thank you Halil for your comments.

Just how will it help my people by remaining silent.??

You mean like "I see no evil, I hear no Evil" type of thing.??

Sorry my friend but I was never good at on the "Code of Silence" rule.

i said you are .....

it will not help to keep silent. it is correct but if we all see the things balanced not blaming each other . we must all realised that we are in 2007. with a new conditions on the island . it might help to find solution .
by staying abroad it does not help u or others to understand whats happening here or what kind of the problems we are facing.

we will see what will happen tonight frm the talks ...... than we can draw our destiny .

Sorry if it looks like I am picking on you Kiks but try reading between the lines sometimes....... :roll:
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Postby zan » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:09 pm

Nikitas wrote:I just skimmed through the lates posts and it strikes me that most people here are non residents in Cyprus.

My take is that like the Greek Cypriots the Turkish Cypriot non residents tend to tow the line dictated by parties and factions in Cyprus. That much is evident in most posts.

I would have expected a more dynamic and more broadminded approach, and a more demanding one too. We should all be demanding our right to return to Cyprus, to be given incentives to return, if not to settle at least to start a business, or contribute with our knowledge and experience. Instead we adopt a passive attitude and applaude our home communities that have not managed to move ahead on even a single side issue in 33 years.

We are pathetic!

Lets just say you have hit the nail on the head and look for the reasons why :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:15 pm

zan wrote:
Now we have proof that you are living in your own little world which is far far removed from the TC that you think you are. The world is still reeling from both world wars and even from further back than that as in the British and the Ottoman Empires and you say they have forgotten...What the hell happened in and Yugoslavia then. What happened in the Falklands that went back for centuries....What is happening in Gibraltar and many other places in the world. What is happening even in the EU. The Jews still hate the Germans and the Americans still hate the Japanese. They may be doing business together but that is as far as it goes.

You still haven't realised that I am the only TC left talking to you and not at you and come to the conclusion that no one agrees with you :roll: :roll: :roll:

The Cyprus problem cannot be solved with just good wishes but also needs good deeds. You can wait all you like to get these good deeds from the "RoC" but it ain't gonna come. We have to argue this one out and the sensible people are doing just that. Shame you are on the other side...

It is because of the past that the "RoC" does not want to give us our rights under the Zurich agreement so how can we forget the past. They throw it our faces every day of the week. Their version has been distorted out of recognition though and you are happy to sit there and take it.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Zan, lets me put you out of your misery.... :lol:

It would be really nice if you read what I write the way it is written. I do not write in circles. It is basically direct and can easily be understood. Now, what part of my post did I say, that I chose the other side.??? I assume by other side meaning the GC side. I was talking about Cypriots in general on how we are unable to solve simple problems in the scale of things, when the rest of the world have been in worse situations than us, and now they are enjoying their lives in peace and happiness. Did I leave anything out.?

As far as Europe is concerned, all past wars are long forgotten. This is very evident from the way all the countries that were at war, are all in one family now, the EU. Even the one from Yugoslavia. The fall of Soviet Union was the trigger that set that Federation to break up surprises there. But that was 10 years ago, and they are slowly but surely getting on with their lives. Kosovo may still create some problems yet, but we will have to wait and see.

The Argentine Junta did exactly the same thing in the Falklands / Malvines islands as what the Greek Junta did in Cyprus. Over 1,000 military personnel died in total over 20 years ago, and today, we do not have any problems with the British-Argentine relationships.

North and South Korea has a 50 year old cease fire and are still pointing guns at each other. Aside from them, who else do you know, that has a 40 year old conflict, as we do in Cyprus. Most wars have been fought, which some won and some lost, but it has been decided one way or the other, but not in Cyprus. Now why is that Zan.? Speaking as a Cypriot for my self, I say because we have not finished hating each other yet. We have not finished punishing the other side yet, and we have not finished taking something that belongs to others yet. In case you are confused, since you really do not read very carefully and jump to conclusions that are not there, I'm now talking about what each side is doing to the other. Are we clear on that Zan, because you will try to twist things to fit into your version of events.

I don't know which TC's do not want to talk to me aside from VP, only because he does not want to get caught in telling lies. If there are others and if so, too bad....their loss. I'm not here to be popular with anyone. If they make a statement and are challenged and they see this as I'm attacking them or that I'm anti TC, then they have a communication problems, and it has nothing to do with me. Just because million flies like to eat shit, it does not mean it taste good to me, so I challenge peoples views. It does not have to be an argument, but I tell them what I think. Just because they are TC's does not mean I have to treat them with "kid glow", does it.?? As an American also, I do not take it easy on some of them, because of their point of view. Does that make me anti American. I sure hope not. In fact, it makes me more American than the idiot who does what he is told, as the case may be with some TC's. I enjoy all conversations, and I wish VP would engage with me. In fact, let me offer him an invitation to engage me. I'm not his enemy personally, only to his ideas. If some TC's have things that they are afraid that it might come out just because I like to dig deep into what they are saying and what their motives are, then they can play it safe and not engage me in a conversation.

Finally Zan, what we want from the RoC is what's rightfully belongs to us. The only problem is, we don't want to go and get it. We want what is due to us delivered to the "TRNC" in a form of a Partition, so that we can have peace again. Well, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that one to happened just as you wish for it to happen. The RoC have the recognition on their side and we have a lot of nothing on the side of the "TRNC", so unless each side are willing to accept some compromises, the RoC will just sit and wait us out. Have you seen them panic yet over the last 33 years. You can yell and scream all you want, but it does not change anything. If TC's and GC's do not talk, then nothing will get done. Of course, this is music to certain countries ears, and I do not only mean Turkey. We got something what the GC's want. The GC's got something what we, the TC's want. It is that simple.

Oh by the way, I do not accept charity from anyone. Some people do not want to talk to me........... so be it.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:38 pm

I only respond to posters if I feel their arguements are sincere and not one sided, your posts are not only biased in favor of GCs but you have not once criticized the GC side, this raises questions in many peoples minds.

We have argued back and forth but your scarcastic verging on venomous attacks have no value in my book so I took the decision not to respond to your posts as their contents are still worthless drivel and a total waste of time as it always produces no result. There is a big difference we live the TRNC everyday, you dont and never will.

So whats the point of discussing anything with you better to agree to differ and leave it at that.
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Postby zan » Wed Sep 05, 2007 11:11 pm

I think VP put it in terms that are short and sweet Kiks and supported by me and other TCs on the forum. The sentence that said you have not criticised the "RoC' once tells it all I am afraid. You think you speak the truth and think that you have got it right and we are telling you you have not.

On the other issue of the world being at peace....As I said...Yoou seem to live in a different world to me and maybe the rest of us because we have just seen the guns go quite in Ireland after hundreds of years but still with tension. French diputes, Iltalian, spanish, Israel and Lebanon and Macedonia and many other places are still under dispute but you cant see it?????Nothing I can tell you then I am afraid.

Here is a quick and inprecise search for you to begin with ... 8&oe=UTF-8
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