Nikitas wrote:BIg Oz
YTou are referring to the mass killings by GCs in villages like Tochni, Maratha and Jaos. Why did the Mehmecik not catch the perpetrators and try them? These bums are walkign around free today. And how about equally bad acts on the other side, in Afania and Asha?
As for the atrocities of the Turkish army read the English papers about the treatment of civillians in Karpasia.
When an army decides to engage civillians it is no accident. It is deliberate and it has a goal behind it. The goal was to terrorise the population into leaving and not coming back. Which would also explain the disproportionate use of force like navy and air force when Cyprus had neither.
Now about the 30 000 Greek army personnel that must have come out of someone's fertile imagination. Mainland army troops had been withdrawn in 1968. The officers were mainland Greeks along with the Greek ELDYK people. WHich explains how the mainland casualties were around 80 only, while the Cypriots got hammered with thousands.
The alternative would have been for Turkey to hold its first salient, agreed in the first ceasefire and then return the island to the constitutional order foreseen by the 1960 agreements. That was the initial aim as stated by Ecevit. Instead we got a heavy handed imposition of partition and a 35 year stalemate with no end in sight.
You still did not read what bigOz wrote...The killing of TCs was going on after the first ceasefire. Can you not see that