In general, only the enlighted few go to the trouble to try to understand the other side.
The problem today has very little to do with "understanding the other side", and everything to do with the balance of power. Even your arguments usually boil down to something like "we screwed up in the past and now we should just take the peanuts that the powerful are willing to allow us to have, otherwise we will lose everything". How is this related with understanding the other side?
Personally I understand the other side very well. I know about their suffering, but I also about our suffering, and therefore their argument that the GCs have to now be punished while the TCs be rewarded on our loss, is simply not valid.
I also know and understand their desires and concerns for the future, but obviously I am not going to put their desires above our rights, in the same way I do not expect them to put my desires above their rights.
The first step for a peaceful solution is that both sides should show respect to the rights of the other, and
after all rights of all Cypriots are secured, to see in what ways and to what degrees the various desires can be satisfied within the framework of democracy and human rights.
Just saying "I understand your feelings, your desires and your concerns, so come on take everything you want, violate my rights and show no respect to me" doesn't make you "enlightened" , it makes you a masochist.