You wrote that I was being
disingenuous with your explanation on the terms of "Occupation", because no one has claimed that the TC's living in the "TRNC" are under occupation much like the Palestinians
But did you actually read my reply to Kifeas where I said :
Just to be sure, Kifeas : I am not comparing Cyprus and Palestine.
So, like Kifeas, you take issue with something that I never said. Well if you've got nothing better to do than set up straw figures to easily knock them down, then that's your prerogative.
In any case, whether 37% or 97% under occupation is neither here nor there since the original contention was the visibility and effect of being under an army of occupation. My first simple, and surely uncontroversial point, is that being directly under the boot does not have the same effect as being told about what it is like to be under the boot. My second, and possibly more controversial point was that,
my impression of the occupying army in the north is nothing like that of other armies of occupation. Indeed it is hardly noticeable in the street.
Perhaps it is for others to say what their experience or impression is of the TMF (Turkish Military Forces) or of other places where there are armies of occupation.