growuptcs wrote:zan, even though you believe your own bullshit, you still wont pass a lie detector. So at least start acting like a man and take some form of responsibility. Pointing fingers to get away with free land wont work in 2007. Change your game plan to one thats up to date you freak.
Turkey WITHOUT DOUBT saved the lives of many Cypriots and the crying GCs that thanked god that Turkey had done so tells that tail.
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:Big words from behind your PC Zan.
growuptcs wrote:Zan, I live a life of non-bullshit. Not like you, sitting on this site who thinks he mastered what to say from rambling uncontested bullshit that only exist in Turkey or the TRNC. And you ask me to challenge you? Whose the ref? Attaturk? Dektash? I live in a civilized world and wouldn't trade that in the world than to live a closed society like your dreamworld with perks. When the day comes when a Turk will equal a non Turk, we might live in peace. Till then back to eggthrowing.
CopperLine wrote:I crossed via the Ledra Crossing (in Nicosia) today and there by the old Ledra Palace Hotel were posted the results of a graffiti competition ! The competition was sponsored by the Trust and Reconciliation Commission (I think that is an UNDP initiative). The graffiti slogans were so banal that I've already forgotten them ... oh yes, the winner was "we're all humans" ... All the same, though the slogans were not inspired or inspiring, none had the loathsome hate filled sentiment of the stuff in Limassol. Anyway, does anyone know if this competition was extended across the island or just in n & s Nicosia ?
By the way I'd echo the post of the person who said that the TRNC does not feel like a place under occupation. I go to and fro across the Green Line frequently and, bar the occasional hassle you get from border police/customs right around the world, this does not feel like heavy military occupation of the kind I've witnessed in say Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, or even Northern Ireland, divided Germany and the Basque region in times past.
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