How Turkish Cypriots REALLY feel about Cypriotness:
Name: Mutlu Kirsehir - Turkiye
Date Posted: 08:38, 25 08 2007
Message: Siteniz cok mukkemmel tebrik ediyorum. Sizin gibi Kibrislilarin sesinin duyurulmasi gerekiyor. Sizi 70 Milyon destek cikacagindan emin olabilirsiniz inanin, Turk Bayragini seven ve Turkiye'yi savunan her zaman 70 Milyonun kalbinde olur. Ben de katiliyorum size, gercekten ya 2 devletli cozum olmasi sart ya da Turkiye ile entegrasyon! Bu gorus Turkiye'de cok yaygin ama ne olursa olsun iki Devlet olmasi ve Turkiye'nin bir sekil Kibris'ta olmasi sart, nasil ki Yunan nufusu o kadar fazla ki sizi bir tek Mehmetcik ve Turkiye Cumhuriyeti sonsuza korumalidir, ve koruyacaktir.
Sadece bir tavsiyem var - Ana sayfniza niye Turk Bayragini da koymuyorsunuz?
Now the response from a Cypriot Turk, agreeing with his Anatolian protector:
Name: Esmer
Date Posted: 19:20, 25 08 2007
Message: Why is the Turkish flag not present on atca's site as it always was?
"as it always was..." hmmmmm
and finally
Name: turk of cyprus
Date Posted: 13:51, 25 08 2007
Message: I agree with Kirsehir, the Turkish flag must be present on ATCA website. Remember, Turkish Cypriots use the Turkish flag (in addition to the flag of their own State TRNC) in accordance with the rights embodied in 1960 agreements, similar to how Greek Cypriots use the flag of Greece. But regardless, Turkish Cypriots love the Turkish flag because it represents who they are - the crescent and the star that is.
From which IS and HAS BEEN officially sponsored, endorsed and supported by the TRNC government.
Now, which RoC institution or government-sponsored website uses the Greek flag? Answer: NONE.
So much for Turkish "Cypriotness".