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Kill Turks

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:08 am

Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????

Ofcurse I have heard of the Byzatines and its Cypriot upstart, Isac Comnenus. You asked the question re: Venetians and I answered. Is there anyting you want to know about the Byzantines ask me. I suppose you imagine TCs dont read. You must be................Oh g to sleep with your dummy

I am sure Turkish Cypriots do read: Dede Korkut, Koroglu, other literature glorifying Turanian history. Perhaps you would like to post a chapter from the glorious biography of Ertugrul here, Deniz?

You are such an Ignoramus. I could write or posts glorifying the great folk heros of the Turks, but they are irrlevant to the Cyprob. Since you know there names you are in possesion of or have access to these. Most commendable. Or was it a quick search on the internet? What is the point you are making. Obviously you are new on the forum, otherwise you would know my views. I am a Cypriot, a Turkish Cypriot and proud of it, and as such nothing to do with Pan-Turanism.

Denizaksulu, to use your logic, do you think we Greek Cypriots do not read??? Why would I need an internet search? Ignoramus? Thanks, maybe you are here to show us your rich treasury of American slang...most commendable! Yes, we know your views all to well. Oh, about your friend who called Piratis and Kifeas "hyenas" for what he says are "attacks against others", maybe he should read your comments to see that a new hyena from the TC camp has just emerged, with personal attacks against me. Not that I care, since it is clear what your ideology is, and we are all to familiar with your ethos. You want to talk about Cyprus, stick to the point, instead of a character synopsis of others who do not agree with your diatribe. Are you here to have us listen to your harangues? Thanks for your wonderful tirades! It has been sheer entertainment up to now, but the novelty has worn off I am afraid.

There is something about your posts which dont add up.Iwonder.....
Your references to Piratis and Kifeas are out of place....Oh no...Please not again. We have yet more entertainment here. Watch this space :wink:
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Postby humanist » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:14 am

ADMIN, could we please change the name of this topic I find it really disturbing. I believe it is inappropriate. Please do something about it.

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Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:16 am

Kypriotiki wrote:I was waiting for an answer, but since I realized it was Murat making the statement (who, following Kifeas' advice I prefer to ignore), and not Denizaksu (who so far has been the lesser of two evils, until we all find out otherwise)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Deniz is definitely not evil I assure you... :D
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:17 am

humanist wrote:ADMIN, could we please change the name of this topic I find it really disturbing. I believe it is inappropriate. Please do something about it.


Kill Humanist? :)
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Postby MR-from-NG » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
humanist wrote:ADMIN, could we please change the name of this topic I find it really disturbing. I believe it is inappropriate. Please do something about it.


Kill Humanist? :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Aaaaah poor humanist finds the "KILL" word disturbing, how nice.

How about you catch a flight and whitewash the wall on which the words "KILL TURKS" are there for all to see. That includes all the TCs and tourists in the area. I personally would be ashamed if "KILL GREEKS" were inscribed on a wall of the TRNC. I can assure you it would be a matter of minutes before it was destroyed.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:51 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
humanist wrote:ADMIN, could we please change the name of this topic I find it really disturbing. I believe it is inappropriate. Please do something about it.


Kill Humanist? :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Aaaaah poor humanist finds the "KILL" word disturbing, how nice.

How about you catch a flight and whitewash the wall on which the words "KILL TURKS" are there for all to see. That includes all the TCs and tourists in the area. I personally would be ashamed if "KILL GREEKS" were inscribed on a wall of the TRNC. I can assure you it would be a matter of minutes before it was destroyed.

Why doesn't Tim call the shire council and give them the exact location to clean it?
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Postby Kypriotiki » Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:02 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

The population of all Cyprus is constituted of souls all across the spectrum. If you can not deal with him, .....Tough. We have to put up with everything you throw at us. Noody has to direct others how to behave. It is called the oft quoted Democracy. You know the word .Its Greek you know.Free speech and all that


Deniz, we can deal with him, but he is simply rehashing and recycling the same thing over and over again. Thanks for your lesson in democracy. I believe your sponsor and protector Turkey should teach lessons about free speech and democracy, where Orhan Pamuk and Taner Akcam nearly landed in jail for speaking freely. Try criticizing Ataturk, the national symbol who has been iconized (literally that is, his pictures have become Turkish icons) repeatedly. Or try second-guessing Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide. Free speech and all that. "Nobody has to direct others how to behave". OK, send that message to Ankara.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:07 am

Get Real! wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I was waiting for an answer, but since I realized it was Murat making the statement (who, following Kifeas' advice I prefer to ignore), and not Denizaksu (who so far has been the lesser of two evils, until we all find out otherwise)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Deniz is definitely not evil I assure you... :D

Well, thank you GetReal. I dont think many of us are evil. He only said the lesser evil, so I can bear that. The accusation of evil is the greater evil though.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:17 am

Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

The population of all Cyprus is constituted of souls all across the spectrum. If you can not deal with him, .....Tough. We have to put up with everything you throw at us. Noody has to direct others how to behave. It is called the oft quoted Democracy. You know the word .Its Greek you know.Free speech and all that


Deniz, we can deal with him, but he is simply rehashing and recycling the same thing over and over again. Thanks for your lesson in democracy. I believe your sponsor and protector Turkey should teach lessons about free speech and democracy, where Orhan Pamuk and Taner Akcam nearly landed in jail for speaking freely. Try criticizing Ataturk, the national symbol who has been iconized (literally that is, his pictures have become Turkish icons) repeatedly. Or try second-guessing Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide. Free speech and all that. "Nobody has to direct others how to behave". OK, send that message to Ankara.

Look here. If you dont behave I will have to ask GR to intercede. You will not wind me up and cannot wind me up. If you want to mock the father of the Turks, shame on you. I am a Cypriot who speaks the lingua Turca, why pick on me to do your work. Your attacks on me are remiicent of the late 'Chimera'. You must have gone to the same school. :lol:
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Postby Kypriotiki » Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:24 am

No hard feelings Deniz. You do mention you are not a Turanist, but we are getting several accusations from the TC side here that we are trying to "Hellenize" the island and are "Hellenists", and the word "ENOSIS" seems to always pop up when we ask for a fair division of the island and the withdrawal of foreign (Turkish) troops from Cyprus. They have been there since 1974. And that isn't a violation of the "Treaty of Guarantee"??? (not to mention moving settlers from mainland Turkey). We say Cyprus for Cypriots, and ENOSIS, Hellenism, or Megali Idea are all defunct ideologies among Greek Cypriots. Those of us who have been to Greece have seen its non-functional bureaucracy and do not wish that for Cyprus, hence we are not seeking union with Greece (given Cyprus' geographical remoteness from mainland Greece, which I remind you, does NOT make Cyprus any less Greek, will make administration from far-away Athens, caught up in its own political and economic dilemma, even less attractive to us).

We are back at square one again however. You take your 18 percent and we will even offer you recognition. Unfortunately even Talat's reconciliatory tone towards GCs still does not address important territorial issues. Once again, please explain to us why nearly 40 percent? Whatever TC property was appropriated in the South, your side compensated for it tenfold by taking more land than you even possessed before 1974. It is the GC side that has been short-changed in this deal. Bizonal confederation, without addressing Greek property right issues, is without merit. Why a continuous influx of settlers from mainland Turkey?
That also needs to be addressed.
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