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Kill Turks

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:49 pm

I was waiting for an answer, but since I realized it was Murat making the statement (who, following Kifeas' advice I prefer to ignore), and not Denizaksu (who so far has been the lesser of two evils, until we all find out otherwise), I won't worry to much about a response from Murat Pasha.
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Re: Kill Turks

Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:09 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:I am a British national who has settled permanently on this island. You may object to me intervening in a question that rightly should be settled by Cypriots on their own without outside interference, but a peice of graffiti that I have just witnessed has impelled me to comment. On a fence around a building site in a central area of Limassol somebody has spray painted the words (in English) "Kill Turks" three times. If you don't believe me, it is on the main road to Mesa Geitonia just after Makarios Avenue. Given this island's bloody recent history I am amazed that anybody can write such words, even if they think it is a joke. It is not so long ago that innocent people on this island were being slaughtered for the sole crime of having Turkish ethnic origin: 15 November 1967 in Kifinou/Geçitkale and 15 August 1974 in Tochni/Taşkent being two examples. Against this context this is a very sick joke indeed. By the way, I well appreciate that innocent Greek Cypriots have suffered greatly, and indeed those who continue to be deprived of the basic right to access their own homes continue to do so. I also realise that you cannot tar a whole community with the same brush and these monstrous acts were the work of criminals. However, when such a blatantly offensive peice of graffiti appears not to cause the slightest outrage within this community, one starts to wonder. I know Germany well, and I can assure you that if somebody were to write "kill Jews" on a wall there, this would provoke a major outrage, it would be cleaned off immediately, and efforts would be made to find the prepetrator. What does this show? Germany wishes to put its Nazi past behind it. So, does this island really wish to put its past behind it? For years, the nationalists in the north of Cyprus used to spout the propaganda line that without the heavily fortified green line and a massive presence of Turkish troops "We would all be slaughtered in our beds at night". Now that the barricades have come down and Cypriots cross freely in both directions, this discourse appears to be bankrupt. Or so I thought - but having witnessed this peice of graffiti and the total absence of any reaction to it locally, I wonder if this is so. Greek Cypriots need to make up their minds. Is this an island on which people of all ethnic origins can live together in peace? Then why does the appearance of such offensive graffiti appear to evoke not the slightest reaction among you? Or do at least a number of you harbour the sentiment expressed in the words "kill Turks" painted on this wall? If so, then the Turkish Cypriots are surely perfectly justified in barricading themselves into their ethnically-cleansed enclave and relying on their "Motherland" to protect them. Which is it to be?

Mr. Drayton, since you live in Lemessos, I find it interesting that you have a keyboard that conveniently has the "c" with the cedille (the diacritical hook under the "c" which Turks use for their "ch" sound) in the word "Gecitkale"!!!! Do you send correspondence in Turkish in Lemessos? Or are you going to claim you are a Frenchman who uses it for correspondence in French? Did you buy your PC keyboard in Turkey or the TRNC, and how is it you have Turkish fonts on your PC?????
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:15 pm

Actually Mr. Drayton, your keyboard is definitely not a French one, nor are your fonts, since you also have the diacritical hook for the Turkish "s" ("sh" in Turkish) readily available to spell Tashkent the way Turks do. We won't have to wait for you to write a word with Turkish's "yumusak g" to be convinced you are A) either a Turk or Turkish Cypriot B) correspond regularly with Turks or Turkish Cypriots C) a Turcophile who seems to have a strong affinity for the Turkish language.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:15 pm

Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????

Ofcurse I have heard of the Byzatines and its Cypriot upstart, Isac Comnenus. You asked the question re: Venetians and I answered. Is there anyting you want to know about the Byzantines ask me. I suppose you imagine TCs dont read. You must be................Oh g to sleep with your dummy

I am sure Turkish Cypriots do read: Dede Korkut, Koroglu, other literature glorifying Turanian history. Perhaps you would like to post a chapter from the glorious biography of Ertugrul here, Deniz?

You are such an Ignoramus. I could write or posts glorifying the great folk heros of the Turks, but they are irrlevant to the Cyprob. Since you know there names you are in possesion of or have access to these. Most commendable. Or was it a quick search on the internet? What is the point you are making. Obviously you are new on the forum, otherwise you would know my views. I am a Cypriot, a Turkish Cypriot and proud of it, and as such nothing to do with Pan-Turanism.
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Postby MR-from-NG » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:23 pm

Murataga can take all of the GCs on any subject to do with Cyprus. He is knowledgeable and he debates in a mature and dignified manner.

He always gets the better of his opponents. I have yet to see him lose his calm, he would never lower himself to Kifeas' or Piratis' level. So with all these qualities is it any wonder tha the GC members are attacking him like a pack of hyenas?

He has my utmost respect and I have no doubt I speak for the rest of the TCs and all impartial members.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:31 pm

Kypriotiki wrote:I was waiting for an answer, but since I realized it was Murat making the statement (who, following Kifeas' advice I prefer to ignore), and not Denizaksu (who so far has been the lesser of two evils, until we all find out otherwise), I won't worry to much about a response from Murat Pasha.

Kypriotiki, you surw have one big chip on your shoulder.
Do you believe in reincarnation by-the -way. Have you ever, in your past life risen from the ashes?
DA :wink:
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:37 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:Murataga can take all of the GCs on any subject to do with Cyprus. He is knowledgeable and he debates in a mature and dignified manner.

He always gets the better of his opponents. I have yet to see him lose his calm, he would never lower himself to Kifeas' or Piratis' level. So with all these qualities is it any wonder tha the GC members are attacking him like a pack of hyenas?

He has my utmost respect and I have no doubt I speak for the rest of the TCs and all impartial members.

You can speak for the rest of the TC's as you say, but not for the international community. If you want to waste more threads praising Murat Pasha, go on. What about your attacks on Piratis and Kifeas? Hmmm, there seem to be hyenas of a different stripe lurking somewhere out there. Actually, stripes I should and white ones. :evil:
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:46 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I was waiting for an answer, but since I realized it was Murat making the statement (who, following Kifeas' advice I prefer to ignore), and not Denizaksu (who so far has been the lesser of two evils, until we all find out otherwise), I won't worry to much about a response from Murat Pasha.

Kypriotiki, you surw have one big chip on your shoulder.
Do you believe in reincarnation by-the -way. Have you ever, in your past life risen from the ashes?
DA :wink:

Thanks Denizaksu, we are not here to discuss nirvana. But maybe you are trying out this new phenomenon called "regressive therapy" which is based on theories of reincarnation. Are you sure you weren't Suleyman the Magnficent in a past life? You seem to want to carry on in his spirit! Speaking of rising from ashes, perhaps you are waiting for Greater Turan to rise from its ashes. Perhaps you need to make sure your vision is 20/20 and your visual field spans beyond 180, to see the bigger chip that is on your TC compatriots' shoulders.
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:50 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:Murataga can take all of the GCs on any subject to do with Cyprus. He is knowledgeable and he debates in a mature and dignified manner.

He always gets the better of his opponents. I have yet to see him lose his calm, he would never lower himself to Kifeas' or Piratis' level. So with all these qualities is it any wonder tha the GC members are attacking him like a pack of hyenas?

He has my utmost respect and I have no doubt I speak for the rest of the TCs and all impartial members.

Impartial??? Boy, that is laughable beyond measure! He is getting the better of us? Now THAT is even funnier. I think he is getting the better of himself more than us. Which is quite OK. He did entertain us for a while, but then the show lost its ratings after awhile!!!
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:57 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????

Ofcurse I have heard of the Byzatines and its Cypriot upstart, Isac Comnenus. You asked the question re: Venetians and I answered. Is there anyting you want to know about the Byzantines ask me. I suppose you imagine TCs dont read. You must be................Oh g to sleep with your dummy

I am sure Turkish Cypriots do read: Dede Korkut, Koroglu, other literature glorifying Turanian history. Perhaps you would like to post a chapter from the glorious biography of Ertugrul here, Deniz?

You are such an Ignoramus. I could write or posts glorifying the great folk heros of the Turks, but they are irrlevant to the Cyprob. Since you know there names you are in possesion of or have access to these. Most commendable. Or was it a quick search on the internet? What is the point you are making. Obviously you are new on the forum, otherwise you would know my views. I am a Cypriot, a Turkish Cypriot and proud of it, and as such nothing to do with Pan-Turanism.

Denizaksulu, to use your logic, do you think we Greek Cypriots do not read??? Why would I need an internet search? Ignoramus? Thanks, maybe you are here to show us your rich treasury of American slang...most commendable! Yes, we know your views all to well. Oh, about your friend who called Piratis and Kifeas "hyenas" for what he says are "attacks against others", maybe he should read your comments to see that a new hyena from the TC camp has just emerged, with personal attacks against me. Not that I care, since it is clear what your ideology is, and we are all to familiar with your ethos. You want to talk about Cyprus, stick to the point, instead of a character synopsis of others who do not agree with your diatribe. Are you here to have us listen to your harangues? Thanks for your wonderful tirades! It has been sheer entertainment up to now, but the novelty has worn off I am afraid.
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