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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:06 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:33 pm

Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

The population of all Cyprus is constituted of souls all across the spectrum. If you can not deal with him, .....Tough. We have to put up with everything you throw at us. Noody has to direct others how to behave. It is called the oft quoted Democracy. You know the word .Its Greek you know.Free speech and all that

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Postby 74LB » Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:36 pm

Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

Sorry to disappoint some of you guys, but Murataga has my support 100%. He puts across his points of view in a way that leaves most clutching at straws. His knowledge and attention to detail mean that no stone is left unturned in getting across the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as much as this may not be welcome by all.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:16 pm

'74LondonBoy wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

Sorry to disappoint some of you guys, but Murataga has my support 100%. He puts across his points of view in a way that leaves most clutching at straws. His knowledge and attention to detail mean that no stone is left unturned in getting across the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as much as this may not be welcome by all.

You need to be pretty strong in the history and politics of Cyprus to be in a position to properly evaluate other posters and given the fact that you rarely if ever post anything in these sections it's little wonder you're so easily impressed. :lol:
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
'74LondonBoy wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

Sorry to disappoint some of you guys, but Murataga has my support 100%. He puts across his points of view in a way that leaves most clutching at straws. His knowledge and attention to detail mean that no stone is left unturned in getting across the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as much as this may not be welcome by all.

You need to be pretty strong in the history and politics of Cyprus to be in a position to properly evaluate other posters and given the fact that you rarely if ever post anything in these sections it's little wonder you're so easily impressed. :lol:

Those were my words exactly Get Real! Well said again.
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:04 pm

'74LondonBoy wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
Kifeas wrote:I suggest all to live alone this psycho called Murataga, for he is nothing short of an extremist of the worst kind that thinks he will convince us and the rest of the world that we should gift him and his community alone the 37% of our country, as a “reward” for what he was brainwashed to believe we GCs did against them! There is no point trying to discuss anything with him, as he has no sincerity and guts to face the truth, but he only wants us to believe and also impose on us only whatever suits his and his side’s extreme irredentist ambitions and aims! It is pointless to have any discussion with him, for he thinks that by hiding behind the Turkish tanks he can be as cynical as it takes with lies and distortions, as long as the “aim” of stealing” 37% of our country is satisfied! This kind of people (from both sides,) if not isolated and eliminated, will lead this country into more bloodshed in the future! Maybe this is what he hopes, for he thinks his side -with the help of Turkey, will always be the “winner” and will eventually take over the whole of Cyprus! Such a fanatic moron he is!

I have reached the same conclusion Kifeas, well said.

Sorry to disappoint some of you guys, but Murataga has my support 100%. He puts across his points of view in a way that leaves most clutching at straws. His knowledge and attention to detail mean that no stone is left unturned in getting across the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as much as this may not be welcome by all.

Actually, he (Murat Aga) puts his points of view in a way that leaves most of us laughing incessantly. His knowledge and attention to detail emanate from TRNC Talk Central, not to mention Turkey, the very nerve center of Turanism. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, through his Turkish lenses. More appropriately we should have all asked you, "Who'se truth?". What is not welcome is packaged TRNC propaganda being marketed as the "TRUTH". Since in your opinion we are "resisting" the truth (the truth that comes from a chapter in a book called "The World According to Murat Aga"), what are YOUR credentials here?????
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:14 pm

Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????

Ofcurse I have heard of the Byzatines and its Cypriot upstart, Isac Comnenus. You asked the question re: Venetians and I answered. Is there anyting you want to know about the Byzantines ask me. I suppose you imagine TCs dont read. You must be................Oh g to sleep with your dummy
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:17 pm

Murataga wrote :
""""""You are manupilating about the ambargo by pathetically trying to assign it some noble value and highlighting it as a countermeasure. That perversion might do in New York or Brussels where the political interets of some might be aligned with your crimes but here in this island where the sufferings of the TC people are carved in to their minds, hearts and their daily lives.... it just won`t do. The truth is that our ambargo has nothing to do with TRNC, it has nothing to do with land, it has nothing to do with the Turkish Army. It is all about our rights, existence, survival in Cyprus as Turkish Cypriots and a criminal GC leadership challenging these.""""

Efforts to deject the partition of our island , as far as your concerned , is carried out by degenerates , criminals , who are NOT interested in the lands , not concerned with the fact that a foreign army , as seen by the entire world , is occupying a part of Cyprus , but merely a bunch of criminals out to revenge the T/Cs .
My dear friend , build bridges not fortifications to keep your Cypriot brothers out of their country.
The T/Cs did suffer a great deal but so did the G/Cs , all victims of the fanatics who still appear to be influencing many Cypriots including some on this forum.
The past must be laid to rest. Cyprus is a European full member not a cowboy regime but an internationally recognised nation.
As for the guy who signs as " GREEK REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS " let him be reminded that Cyprus's legal entity is The Republic Of Cyprus and the home of all Cypriots. It is precisely the reason why our island has suffered so much because the few have poisoned the spirit and the minds of the people of Cyprus with the constant exaltation of the "motherland nonsense "
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:41 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kypriotiki wrote:I see Murat Aga, so all the talk about the National Guard, but how skillfully you avoid the subject of the TNT and Volkan, etc. "Hellenization" seems to have found its counterpart and evil twin in "Turanization" and "Turkification" of nearly half the island (40 percent is pretty close to half) which again is not in proportion to Cypriot demographics. Why is it you keep avoiding this issue Murat? Or is this like the 1948 U.N. partition plan of Palestine, whereby outside settlers who made up less than 5-10 percent of Palestine at the time were given a generous share of the land, (slightly more than half the country), and the locals who had lived there continously for centuries were given slightly less than half according to the U.N. Plan (so as you see, the Annan Plan is not the only "attractive" plan to emanate from the U.N.).

Then there's the history lesson: Cyprus was Ottoman, the Ottomans acquired it from the Venetians not Greeks (and pray tell WHO did the Veneetians take it from????) blah blah blah. Which community has continously been there for centuries??? Our history in Cyprus goes back two millenia, yours 500 years (transplants from Anatolia were the original settlers) including many from heavily Kurdish eastern Turkey (might find some Kurds on the family tree there you know).

And of course you have the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a powerful lobbying body in Washington that enjoys the support of AIPAC and pro-Israel Congressman Robert Wexler, yet you are talking about how we are trying to manipulate European politics. Are you trying to tickle us there Murat? :lol:

.....and since you have asked, the LUSIGNANS! :wink:

How about getting to the point, Deniz, who are the ORIGINAL owners of the island? Ever heard of the Byzantines??????

Ofcurse I have heard of the Byzatines and its Cypriot upstart, Isac Comnenus. You asked the question re: Venetians and I answered. Is there anyting you want to know about the Byzantines ask me. I suppose you imagine TCs dont read. You must be................Oh g to sleep with your dummy

I am sure Turkish Cypriots do read: Dede Korkut, Koroglu, other literature glorifying Turanian history. Perhaps you would like to post a chapter from the glorious biography of Ertugrul here, Deniz?
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Postby Kypriotiki » Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:45 pm

miltiades wrote:Murataga wrote :
""""""You are manupilating about the ambargo by pathetically trying to assign it some noble value and highlighting it as a countermeasure. That perversion might do in New York or Brussels where the political interets of some might be aligned with your crimes but here in this island where the sufferings of the TC people are carved in to their minds, hearts and their daily lives.... it just won`t do. The truth is that our ambargo has nothing to do with TRNC, it has nothing to do with land, it has nothing to do with the Turkish Army. It is all about our rights, existence, survival in Cyprus as Turkish Cypriots and a criminal GC leadership challenging these.""""

Efforts to deject the partition of our island , as far as your concerned , is carried out by degenerates , criminals , who are NOT interested in the lands , not concerned with the fact that a foreign army , as seen by the entire world , is occupying a part of Cyprus , but merely a bunch of criminals out to revenge the T/Cs .
My dear friend , build bridges not fortifications to keep your Cypriot brothers out of their country.
The T/Cs did suffer a great deal but so did the G/Cs , all victims of the fanatics who still appear to be influencing many Cypriots including some on this forum.
The past must be laid to rest. Cyprus is a European full member not a cowboy regime but an internationally recognised nation.
As for the guy who signs as " GREEK REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS " let him be reminded that Cyprus's legal entity is The Republic Of Cyprus and the home of all Cypriots. It is precisely the reason why our island has suffered so much because the few have poisoned the spirit and the minds of the people of Cyprus with the constant exaltation of the "motherland nonsense "

Then please explain, what DOES the embargo have to do with? Would the embargo continue if Turkish troops were to withdraw from the North, and a fair redistribution of land based on demography were to replace the current unnatural border?
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