You are threatening countries to act against us with the rights and privelages of recognition you stole from us; nothing new there- congratulations ! You stole RoC to achieve ENOSIS and the politics of countries as mandated by international interets let you get away with this. Recognition of the TRNC is related to the final settlement of the Cyprus Problem. A couple of more OXI`s from you guys and we`ll be all set
Interesting position- "we threatening countries!!!!!!!" Powerfull Greek Cypriots!!!!!!!
Your problem is that your leadership and even your education in scholls never explained to you that "there is an international law" which all civilized countries have to respect. The problem of course is that we are speaking about democratic and civilized countries and not pirates and generals regimes.
The problem for you and even for some of the Gcs is that you consider it fair and reasonable the 18 per cent of the population (the most remains of Ottoman occupation) to request TAKSIM and even worst 50/50 share of the Island but ENOSIS which was the request of the popularity it was a prohibited product to be even announced as intention.
It is clear and personally i never hide this that if the Gcs had the military power the only fair and democratic solution and always in line with international law , would be the will of the popularity.
As I said elsewhere if a fair and democratic solution could be applied in Cyprus you should have maximum 5 representatives in the parliament to protect your minority rights and thats all.
Someone maybe told you that Turks is the special rice in Earth and therefore you have rights which no other Ethnicity has.
The problem from Gcs is only the military power of the pirates of Ankara however the good sign is that these pirates behavor leeds them directly to the colapse like Hitler, Milosevits, Housein in Iraq etc etc.
I personally agree that the Gcs leadership, because of the above mentioned disability of military power are following wrong direction in Cyprus problem, following always the demands of the powerful party who is the invator.
They have not yet realised that ourdays the human rights are much more powerful than the bigerr army in the world. They have not realised that if the stuck on European Community provisions for human rights and internal practices the invators position for indepedent stata and green horses will collapse or the invated country will colapse itself under the pressure of its crimes.
We know very well how it works. We have visited Asia Minor or Istanbul where all the Ancient Greek momuments are presented to foreigners by Turks tourist guides as creations of Turks ancestors.
The same thing will happen in Cyprus if the Gcs leadership and population continue to consider themselves as to belong to "Cyprus Nation" and therefore of same origin of Tcs.
The Gcs leadership can not yet realise that any proposal for solution like Annan plan will not guide to a cooperation with 70-80000 Tcs but with 100million Turks.
The duty of a leadrship to is to find ways for its population survival. If we allow Gcs to loose their Ethicity in a chaos of a solution like the one proposed by Annan then the time will be close the Hellenism in Cyprus to be lost for ever.
I am addressing all above to you, be on the other side, in order to have a real picture how the things are in Gcs side and not to hide ourselves about theories of brothers with Tcs and fair solutions stories- There can not be a fair and democratic solution under the todays circumstances since if such solution ever apply you should have less rights in Cyprus than these you had per Zyrich treaty.