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Points on license

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Postby erolz » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:28 pm

More info here as well ... ewsid=1239

As I understand it , if you are a tourist in another EU state then one member state can not put points on your licsense issued by another state (appart from UK / IE). If you are resident in another member state, they can not put points on your licesens issued by another state, but they can keep a record of these points if they choose so and apply the same restrictions to you as any national has, even though they do not apply the points to you licesense per se.
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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:01 pm

Thanks erolz. Even though I'm still some way away from the disqualification mark, I was curious as to what happens if I did reach it but didn't have a Cypriot license, just a UK one.

I really should leave Cyprus for a day or so, just to have the excuse that I'm not a permanent resident here!
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Postby oranos64 » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:15 pm

hazza G .. reh .... contact them dvla... tell them you want a new license and will pay for a copy ...say it was lost will have a duplicate english one ... you can then send it in and get a Greek one ... then get them points

but G ... come on youve been here for like 4 years ..surely you havent started driving like the locals ... no indicatiors ....drving between lanes ... speeding ... come on son .....
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Postby Hazza » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:24 pm

3 years....and yes...speeding is a regular, though not by much, normally just a few km/h though the last one was a little fast 80something in a 50something zone.

I did actually try that one with the duplicate but the DVLA won't send one without a fixed UK address which I don't have. They won't send one abroad either, they say you need to contact the local authorities for a licence.
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Postby oranos64 » Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:28 pm

yeah thats right get it sent to a friends address in the U.K ... reh ...discipine ...thats what you need ..slow down mate ... ...the locals lack it ....and focus ... and a understanding ,that hands free means ...the phone can be like a foot away from your face

i always laugh when i see locals holding a phone in hands free mode whilst steering ...near the face .....divs ...just hold it to your ear again ....

technology to the bush man ....
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Postby The Microphone » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:00 am

They should concentrate on fining bikers who ride/race/plod around without a helmet of a recognised standard properly worn. If they were really interested in saving lives instead fo raising cash from there silly speed cameras thats exactly what they'd do. Just proves it is only ever about raising money as easily as possible.
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Postby Peterc » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:24 am

I also have a UK license, but recently I received notification from the CY police informing me that i had 8 points although i do not have a Cy license, which obviously means that they are monitored and noted.
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Re: Points on license

Postby webbo » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:36 am

Hazza wrote:Here's the situation. I have a UK driving license, you know, the old pink paper license, but no Cypriot license. I've been stopped a couple of times for speeding and have had points put on my Cyprus ID.

What would happen if I eventually go over the limit?

I have been stopped 4 times on Cyprus land

1. Routine check as had visitors plates. Let off even though my name not on paperwork, apparently I was driving illegally (though Webbo and myself did not know this ) so it was a quick trip to Nicosia hoping not to get stopped again. All sorted.

2. Once for speeding along the coast. Sorry officer moving house today - this was the truth. Caution!

3. First illegal right turn. Sorry officer I did not see the sign. Again this was the truth and again another caution. Later I went back down the street and the sign was so old and faded I am surprised anyone could see it!)

4. Second illegal right turn which I had been doing for months without knowing I was doing wrong. This time I asked the officer for some I.D. and I swear this is how I got the fine. When I went in to pay I told the lady that the sign was way too small and hidden by a tree. SHE AGREED!! So why was I given the fine? Now there is a sign twice the size and tree gone! Ok. so I am on a main road and cannot turn right, that I understand, but they can still turn right onto this road with fast oncoming traffic. Where is the logic in that?

I still have my U.K. licence (just keep a copy in the car though)but someone told me that you really should get an E.U. one now. I may do that the next time I go home.

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