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Postby humanist » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:53 am

Peterc .... thank you for your acknowledgement. Homophobia is rife in many societies and I doubt it that Cyprus is any different. And yes I agree with you 100% this is not a sex advertsing place and I believe that Duncan if gay acted inappropriately with his post or his a homophobe wanting to alert thugs of beat existence.

twinkle I have been accused of many things on this site, but never a humanist. Thank you.

The world is heading in a particular way because a few years back we all fell into the ideology that if it doesn't affect us personally then we don't care. If we all cared about domeistic violence and spoke about it, the number of women and children suffering would be lower. If we cared about health care for the disadvantaged, health systems would be better for everyone examples are endless
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Postby T_C » Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:02 pm

This thread should be moved to the "Meet new people" section. It doesn't look very good in General Chat... :?
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Postby Niki » Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:40 pm

Doesn't matter if it's 'cruising' for men or women. Not exactly a healthy way to meet people and gives gays a bad image. That is a shame.
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Postby sweetie » Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:01 pm

l so agree with you Niki, l have many gay friends who are such great people and l don't believe any of them have been cruising.................
As for Cypriots being homophobic There was a survey not an artical carried out in Cyprus and published. So Ducan you need to find a real man for yourself and lets hope you are practising safe sex......... :D
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Postby anastasiaC » Tue Aug 21, 2007 1:44 pm

yep as long as you are practicsing safe sex then go cruising as much as you like!!
wow who would have thought Larnaca Postoffice
a pick up place
right near the police station too - clever!
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Postby oranos64 » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:35 pm

have you seen george michaels video .... "lets go outside" ... with gay police men ...well i hear ..that some of the police out here go for it ..hence maybe it goes on ,by the post office ....

i can see the police men in that office

" er yanni ...i am going for a walk ....,ill be back in 30 minutes "

seriously though i am glad humanist ...mentioned women beaters ...i had to step a week ago save a wife from her drunk husband ... i think society and us men in particular ...need to teach equality to our youngters ... here in cyprus ..i find most males (especially the villager type) disturbing ...teaching young ..very young males the most disgusting habits and manners .. i worry for the future ....

im all for a police state ..... or atelast a structured men and women /citizens training program

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Postby humanist » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:40 pm

am certainly not for police state I live in one now and it is not funny.
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Postby The Microphone » Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:18 pm

A Police state is bad news. But you could be living in the UK.

Run by a traitorous Government that forces the christian population to accept and bow to Islam. A government that panders to all muslim extremists and criminals at the expense of the general populace. Where walking the streets is not safe, where immigration,legal and illegal is totally out of control. Where the government extorts ever increasing amounts of tax from your earnings that it tries to suppress by allowing in cheap foreign labour, that your very taxes are paying to house, school and generally look after.

A place where if you defend yourself, you are a criminal, and the real criminal gets off scot free. The price for not defending yourself. Usually a good beating and possibly death.

The socialist model country that is England, 30 years in the making. A cess pit heaving with scum that the Government cannot and will not control. What a great place to live. Sometimes a police state might seem like a good alternative.
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