LENA wrote:I dont believe that oranos managed to upset you that much Villawagen...I thought you didnt pay attention to members like him...and you have good opinion about Cypriots...why you are so upset by him since you notice how many b* he says?
oranos64 wrote:DenizAksulu ....hope you learnt something there ....?
oranos64 wrote:DenizAksulu ///how do you prononce that ..sounds like some sort of aliens on star trek ... did you know that the klingons were based on the TURKS...including the language ....?
villawagen wrote:LENA wrote:I dont believe that oranos managed to upset you that much Villawagen...I thought you didnt pay attention to members like him...and you have good opinion about Cypriots...why you are so upset by him since you notice how many b* he says?
i don't know why he has upset me so much lena ??? i do have a good opinion about Cypriots in general, but oranos just seems to hit a nerve with me, by the way he posts !!!maybe i just don't get his point
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