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Postby webbo » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:27 pm

The Microphone wrote:
webbo wrote:
Sotos wrote:Lena you just said that the stealing of my home is a stupid reason??? I forgive you for offending me because you are not the one who occupies my home. But if some Turk offends me like that I will show him his trnshit flag :lol:

Language Timothy!!! And to all subsequent posts who are still being ignorant enough to swear. NOT NECESSARY :(

BUBBLES X 8) 8) 8) 8)

Ignorance??? I thought we'd covered that and piousness. Perhaps us that wot use bad effin language have a medical syndrome called ****ing tourettes. Cambrai!

Personal note :- (Whispers) Calling people ignorant and lecturing/scolding/belittling them isnt going to get the effect you desire. :)[/quote

O.K. What is the desired way then please? I am at a loss? :)

BUBBLES X :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Simon » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:31 pm

Lena, people like Paaul do not just post to upset people. They also post to influence people. Hence they should be challenged. We must expose their mentality and motivation for posting their propaganda (which as I have said, should be all our jobs if we care about Cyprus), which inevitably leads to insults. With regards to swearing, I agree it is unnecessary and vulgar. Even insulting somebody does not require swearing.
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Postby LENA » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:44 pm

Simon wrote:Lena, people like Paaul do not just post to upset people. They also post to influence people. Hence they should be challenged. We must expose their mentality and motivation for posting their propaganda (which as I have said, should be all our jobs if we care about Cyprus), which inevitably leads to insults. With regards to swearing, I agree it is unnecessary and vulgar. Even insulting somebody does not require swearing.

True to insult someone you dont need to swear as well...well i dont like none of them...

I do agree Simon that if we care about Cyprus we will not sit there and just listen them and say i will ignore them...but people who say 10 things and 5 of them are insults and swearing I wont pay any attention to them.

People who do not see beyond there nose and who just want to air their mouth....I wont start any kind of conversation...I do respect my self if not them...

I used to post in the Cyprus problem section often and read what is going on there but i dont have time at the moment...I will be back soon...expose the lies and discuss facts yes ... but exchange insults and swear not my style and as far as i have my logic will never be. You are right if we care we need to discuss expose the lies and put things right....but with the best way we can....I dont think that swearing and exchanging insult is the best way we can handle this.

As for the influence you said I am not quite bothered in here...I think we are all grown ups and we do have brain...what is up to us is to use it correctly and not become sheep and eat what they feed us. We need to listen to each other, try and see thing with their side and we see them from our side....but we are human beings who can judge and think. If I can discuss things with a proper way and influence people yes but discuss about b* and use a lot of swearing and insults I dont think i can influence anybody.
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Postby webbo » Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:56 pm

LENA wrote:
Simon wrote:Lena, people like Paaul do not just post to upset people. They also post to influence people. Hence they should be challenged. We must expose their mentality and motivation for posting their propaganda (which as I have said, should be all our jobs if we care about Cyprus), which inevitably leads to insults. With regards to swearing, I agree it is unnecessary and vulgar. Even insulting somebody does not require swearing.

True to insult someone you dont need to swear as well...well i dont like none of them...

I do agree Simon that if we care about Cyprus we will not sit there and just listen them and say i will ignore them...but people who say 10 things and 5 of them are insults and swearing I wont pay any attention to them.

People who do not see beyond there nose and who just want to air their mouth....I wont start any kind of conversation...I do respect my self if not them...

I used to post in the Cyprus problem section often and read what is going on there but i dont have time at the moment...I will be back soon...expose the lies and discuss facts yes ... but exchange insults and swear not my style and as far as i have my logic will never be. You are right if we care we need to discuss expose the lies and put things right....but with the best way we can....I dont think that swearing and exchanging insult is the best way we can handle this.

As for the influence you said I am not quite bothered in here...I think we are all grown ups and we do have brain...what is up to us is to use it correctly and not become sheep and eat what they feed us. We need to listen to each other, try and see thing with their side and we see them from our side....but we are human beings who can judge and think. If I can discuss things with a proper way and influence people yes but discuss about b* and use a lot of swearing and insults I dont think i can influence anybody.

Go Lena mou :D :D
Tell them how it should be girl.

BUBBLES X :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby LENA » Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:06 pm

Thanks Bubbles

i am sorry for the spelling mistakes....well i guess I need to re-read my post.... :oops: :oops:
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Postby webbo » Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:08 pm

LENA wrote:Thanks Bubbles

i am sorry for the spelling mistakes....well i guess I need to re-read my post.... :oops: :oops:

Personal tip, use the spell check, works wonders, :lol: :wink: :lol:

BUBBLES X 8) 8) 8) 8)
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Postby LENA » Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:17 pm

webbo wrote:
LENA wrote:Thanks Bubbles

i am sorry for the spelling mistakes....well i guess I need to re-read my post.... :oops: :oops:

Personal tip, use the spell check, works wonders, :lol: :wink: :lol:

BUBBLES X 8) 8) 8) 8)

Thanks I do use that some times but when i type fast i do tend to write there instead of their etc :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Bad girl....anyway i will try to pay attention more....but my point was clear i guess! :D
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Postby Michael Coumas » Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:18 pm

I have only read your reply twice but I think there may be an answer to my original question there somewhere. Am I correct to assume you are from Cyprus and your family was originally from Greece? late 1800's I think were mentioned.
I obviously shall not respond too much to the jaundiced parts of your post as I do believe my original question was civil, plain & fair. I actually do have an interest. I would hate to be accused of dignifying whatever tangent you were intent of going on with a response.
If it is of any interest to you I too am from the Famagusta region, a village on the southern slopes of the mountains to the North. My mother was from a village on the northern slope. My Great Grandfather was from Paphos as was my Great Great Grandfather. I am afraid to say that we do not, as far as we can make out to date, have any family blood tie to Greece. I am from a village 8 kilometres North of Limassol (currently working in UK - again)
I have been called many things in my 59 years but never "dumb ass" not even when working in Houston or the Gulf of Mexico, I prefer 'Dumb Arse' incidentally if it is all the same to you.
I shall read your post again, wish you well & sincerely hope you find what you are looking for. My name incidentally is my own, care to give us yours as I return home in a few weeks.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:10 pm

Good day to you. I am just catching up but must say I agree with your sentiment.
I must say I do find what oranos64 said to be a little presumptuous but I guess it would not do for us all to be the same.
I must admit however to smiling at being told, despite the last 59 years, to learn history, learn the language and that he / she does not recognise the term Cypriot. There is some good to come out of it though because at least I can now claim to be ‘Trendy’, something that none of my family would ever dream to accuse me of. I would never have thought that being Cypriot would categorise me as trendy but I will accept the accolade. The closest I get to trendy is going shopping in Limassol or Paralimni with my daughters.
Forgive my delay in responding but my eldest daughter has just presented us with our first Grandchild so you can imagine the phone has been in constant use. I'm just sad that my posting here has a little longer to run but I may nip home for a couple of days midweek.
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Postby The Microphone » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:30 pm

This self richeousness is really beginning to annoy me.

If you dont want to use profane (swearing) language, then don't.

But your wrist wringing won't stop anyone else. So pick a different tune to play will ya.
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