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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:39 pm

LENA wrote:
The Microphone wrote:These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!

Masterpiece!! :roll: :roll: And I guess you know what you are talking about...right???

Ofcourse he does Miss Lena. Srry topic to talk about with a lady. SORRY. Men!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:41 pm

miltiades wrote:Swearing at times can be fun, like the day a biker delivered a small parcel to me and I noticed he had a 6" nail protruding from his left ear. I looked at him and said " what the f..k is that plonker ? Its my f..g earphone he replied !!

Milti, youare not 61+, I think you are a teenager. Lucky you. :wink: :wink:
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Postby Simon » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:10 am

Lena, we do not need insults, but the point is no-one will ever stop them from occurring. Unfortunately, they are a part of human nature, inspired by our emotion. Waiting a few minutes to reply back wouldn't, in most circumstances I believe, make the slightest difference. I can be as angry with somebody just as much after 3 hours, as I can be after 3 minutes. People like Paaul should not be ignored, they should be exposed, so when he puts forward his arguments, others are aware of his motivation for doing so. The issue is not about trying to change them, but more exposing them for what they are, and not allowing them to spout their propaganda about the forum without challenge. That should be all our jobs if we care about Cyprus! I agree that insults generally are unnecessary, but as I have said before, the reasons for them can be numerous and can sometimes be justified!

P.S. If your evaluation of logic and strength is correct; then we are all illogical and all weak.
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Postby oranos64 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:13 am

Michael Coumas
my family are from famagusta family originally are from greece approxiamately from 1864 - like most Greek CYPRIOTS FROM THAT AREA .....i fly both the helenic flag and cypriot ...but i am a proud GREEK CYPRIOT ..i have neither left nor right wing views ...i am happy to meet and greet all ...I DONT RECOGNISED THIS TRENDY LABEL " CYPRIOT " ...I AM NOT TURKISH CYP ,NOR ARMENIAN,I AM GREEK CYPRIOT

i am hacked off with the ignorance displayed from the Greek cypriots on this forum who equate the Greek flag to facism etc ...having lived in cyprus for the past 3 years i dont give a crap for any policitcal group but i will not vote commie .... not for old men ...i dont care for politics and flag waving at football mentality but i am intrested in my culture and i do my best to study and develop my knowledge of CYP AND Greek History ..

THE FLAG HERE REFLECTS MY STANCE ...GREEK AND PROUD..I DONT LIKE THE YELLOW AND WHITE FLAG ..BEING IN ENGLAND ,you recognise the colours with 2 factors ..yellow=cowards ,white surrender ...i have also read that this flag is not the original Greek Cypriot flag
these are my choices and views ... respect them ...same as i aceept yours ...

i am also embaressed ,when i meet english cypriots who cannot speak their own language .make no attempt to learn it ..and on top of that ...also live here and expect the locals to speak english in business ...and also mis understand their past ... as for the Greek CYPRIOTS in the U.K ..unless you guys come over and let me show you ..our history undistorted can not be as proud or understand my opinions ...MIKE you are welcome ....i lived in england and it is only by meeting left and right and speaking to all that you get a better view of the past ...our mistakes and our great achievements and the scariface of GREEK AND GREEK CYPRIOT soldiers in CYPRUS .

recently i met mr Talatand sat down and spoke to him concerning sectarain violence ...and he echoed the same beliefs ...but one of his past comments is " how he finds us Greek Cypriots a joke ...because we are so divided ...yet the turkish cypriots are seen as the brothers of the main land turks and recieve and respect deeply their motherland ...

whislt us cypriots ...seem intent on pointing the finger at Greece for our problems and the hunta ..yet forget that there was many a willing Greek cypriot who wanted division in cyprus many a Turk CYP in the 60s also wanted turkish annexation ...and both parties did their best to provoke their communities and commit crimes against humanity ...yet now want their lands back at a cost of KOSOVO style lifestyle .

yet at the same time i also hear Greek cypritos complain that Greece did not come to our resecue ...sorry confusion was not possible for them to intervene .due to instructions from NATO/U.N at the time (united snakes of america ,sorry states ) and britains approval of Turkish invaisions .,..(wildly known fact that Turky orignially wanted to invade cyprus via BRITISH SB LAND ...But England said no at the last minute .

regardless .... i say again Greek Cypriots are Greek ...end of ...dont argue bulll shite with me ...know your history ,trace your roots ...yes we are a mixed ethnic dna pool ...but the dominate culture was Greek and most of island has been of Greek Blood since the jewish uprising in 63AD

know your history .... know your past ...DONT BE A DUMB ASS
Last edited by oranos64 on Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby zan » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:16 am

Know which thread you are on :?
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Postby oranos64 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:24 am

zan ,,,ITS QUITE CLEAR ...I AM REPLYING TO A QUERY ON THIS SAME THREAD ....FROM A Greek CYP ...go put on a turtle neck and clean your classes ...
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Postby zan » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:28 am

oranos64 wrote:zan ,,,ITS QUITE CLEAR ...I AM REPLYING TO A QUERY ON THIS SAME THREAD ....FROM A Greek CYP ...go put on a turtle neck and clean your classes ...

Sorry! Just couldn't resist it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby The Microphone » Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:22 am

LENA wrote:
The Microphone wrote:These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!

Masterpiece!! :roll: :roll: And I guess you know what you are talking about...right???

Errr...yes.....especially as I dont drone on about the odd swear word. Piety went out with the Spanish Inquisition.

Da da!!!!The Spanish Inquisition?

Nobody expects the f***ing Spanish Inquisition.! :)
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Postby Eliko » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:11 am

Microphone, good morning Sir :wink:, I am sure we all realize that you meant to say 'flaming inquisition', ergo, there is no need for the asterisks. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:53 am

Oranos 64 , you are talking crap. The Cypriots were on this island long before the Greeks ever set foot on it.
Your absolute nonsense on Greek Cypriots being Greek is like saying that all Greeks are Cypriots.
Get it into your head , there are Cypriots , they have been around for more than 6 thousand years , and most of us Cypriots find it offensive to be told by a trumped up kalamaras that we dont exist.
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