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Postby The Microphone » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:42 pm

These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:00 pm

Swearing at times can be fun, like the day a biker delivered a small parcel to me and I noticed he had a 6" nail protruding from his left ear. I looked at him and said " what the f..k is that plonker ? Its my f..g earphone he replied !!
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Postby Niki » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:36 pm

The Microphone wrote:These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!

Yeah well I'm convinced, sounds highly intelligent to me!!! :roll:
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Postby ollyvee » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:48 pm

I emailed the head honcho at the forum a few weeks ago about the bad language.Surely there enough words in the shall we say English language without having to resort to 4 letter ones.I know all the words but do not use them as I find them offensive,I wonder if the forum members who use them are male.
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Postby Jerry » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:54 pm

ollyvee wrote:I emailed the head honcho at the forum a few weeks ago about the bad language.Surely there enough words in the shall we say English language without having to resort to 4 letter ones.I know all the words but do not use them as I find them offensive,I wonder if the forum members who use them are male.

Most, if not all are male. I often wonder if they would use the same language or abusive manner if they met you face to face.
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Postby LENA » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:57 pm

Simon wrote:
i do understand the frustration and the anger under sensitive topic Simon...but this is just a forum....take a breath...calm down....go for a walk and then come back to your post before you submit it and the forum will be better...the thing with those people who tend to insult each other how Lana said it ....lack of knowledge, lost the game, lack of arguments...

Lena, to say that this is 'just a forum' is meaningless. It doesn't matter what it is; the nature of the Cyprus problem is one that inspires passion, anger, sadness, frustration, indignation etc, and will inevitably lead to insults in certain situations. Whether it is right or not depends on the circumstances (i.e. call a spade a spade. People like 'Paaul' are just thieves and deserve to be called so). Of course, when engaging in debates it would be preferable for insults to be set aside, but nobody is perfect and to think it will ever completely stop is simply wishful thinking.

Simon I agree that the Cyprus Problem is something that always will light the fire...the anger, the frustration, the sadness, indignation etc are just some of them. But why do we need all these insults? As you said this kind of discussion will lead to arguments and insults in certain circumstances...why should we insult each other in a forum while we can easily avoid that by waiting few minutes to reply back? Members like Paul etc you can easily ignore them....if the only thing they do is to try to get you angry and get the attention they want and succeed on that well the loss is yours. The best thing to do is to ignore them...I dont see any point to try to talk to them or exchange any kind of posts. If you try once, twice and they dont change well is not my job to change them....

An educated person with able to hold himself and stay calm while people try to upset him...a strong person is the one who have the power to restrain himself from the game of insults.

And yes I do agree with you nobody is perfect!
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Postby LENA » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:00 pm

The Microphone wrote:These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!

Masterpiece!! :roll: :roll: And I guess you know what you are talking about...right???
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:15 pm

Sotos wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Sotos wrote:Because Turks occupy my home and property. I am polite with everybody else but why should I be polite with them? :evil:

Simply becuase it is not I that occupy your home and property. If you show me who they are I might even join you.

I will NOT become abusive to all the Greek nation simply because my house is occupied by refugees from the North. I would not insult them either. I would definitely insult those responsible for the evnts which led to all this, and yes I do have sympathy for your losses, and at the same time I would hope that you appreciate our losses also. And you better believe it.

Hey I think I was always polite with you. ;) It is about the gray wolves of the forum I am talking about. I think you know who they are!

Yes Sotos, I do appreciate that. I also have not always been complimentary towards you for which I do say sorry. The argument here is foul language on the forum. Yes we get frustrated, but we can do without the bad language. I think I could, but I wouldnt (make use of foul lang.i.e.). It would be pouring petrol on to a fire. We can cut it out and not paint everybody with the same brush. You are frustrated with your losses it does not mean we have no right to be equally frustrated.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:21 pm

miltiades wrote:
Sotos wrote:
I believe that swearing in the presence of children and ladies is quite wrong but amongst mature adults can be quite entertaining !!

Miltiades, I think it will be very fun if your nick name is Malakopitouras. You agree? :P ;)

Spoken like a true plonker that you are Mr Sodoff !!

Milti did you get my permission to use that line of mine. :lol: which I hope I apologised for.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:32 pm

The Microphone wrote:These folks who think that people who swear must be ''uneducated and simple'' haven't got a fuc*ing clue what they are talking about. They're just trying to be haughty and pretentious. Masturbators!

I ask myself, why do I bother. On the contrary, I believe the people who are swearing are highly educated intelligent people Ofcourse you are pulling our legs. :lol: :lol: :lol: Good one.
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