Yet again a thread gets hijacked to the Cyprus Problem. Have you sad people (oops nearly swore there) nothing else to talk about.
denizaksulu wrote:Sotos wrote:Because Turks occupy my home and property. I am polite with everybody else but why should I be polite with them?
Simply becuase it is not I that occupy your home and property. If you show me who they are I might even join you.
I will NOT become abusive to all the Greek nation simply because my house is occupied by refugees from the North. I would not insult them either. I would definitely insult those responsible for the evnts which led to all this, and yes I do have sympathy for your losses, and at the same time I would hope that you appreciate our losses also. And you better believe it.
oranos64 wrote:webbo that not the reason ..they are arguing and swearing ...come on mate ....personally i think we should let them all meet in curuim theatre ....let them fight it out ....whilst we open up a can of beer ..
watch some internet nerds ...roll about ...
I believe that swearing in the presence of children and ladies is quite wrong but amongst mature adults can be quite entertaining !!
Sotos wrote:I believe that swearing in the presence of children and ladies is quite wrong but amongst mature adults can be quite entertaining !!
Miltiades, I think it will be very fun if your nick name is Malakopitouras. You agree?![]()
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