Sotos wrote:I would like to see how polite some of you guys would be to a thief that stole your whole property and made you start from zero and he went unpunished and then he comes to rub it on your face telling you that your property is now his own!
Sotos wrote:I would like to see how polite some of you guys would be to a thief that stole your whole property and made you start from zero and he went unpunished and then he comes to rub it on your face telling you that your property is now his own!
Sotos wrote:Lena you just said that the stealing of my home is a stupid reason??? I forgive you for offending me because you are not the one who occupies my home. But if some Turk offends me like that I will show him his trnshit flag
turkish_cypriot wrote:Sotos wrote:I would like to see how polite some of you guys would be to a thief that stole your whole property and made you start from zero and he went unpunished and then he comes to rub it on your face telling you that your property is now his own!
Since we're CYPRIOTS on this forum and since we have been in Cyprus for MANY years we have our own homes and have no need for yours.
We (TCs) have a lot of homes in the South that we can't get to either BUT if it's the foreigners living in your homes that you're after then you can find quite a lot of them on the link below...
Svetlana wrote:Hi Webbo
I agree, it is all so unecessary but it continues to happen. As my life consists of more than just Moderating CyPob, at times, sometimes it is some hours before inappropriate posts are edited or deleted.
Some of the 'insults' are quite witty and amusing; the difficulty arises in determining what is said in fun - and what is said in malice. It becomes a subjective judgement.
If a post has some positive content, I usually just edit out unpleasantness but anything containing, say, the F word is deleted entirely.
In my mind, insults remain the last resort of those who have lost the argument.
Niki wrote:I agree Bubbles, so unnecessary and surely posing an argument will be considered more effective without bad language. Swearing just means they don't have the right words in their vocabulary.
Sotos wrote:Because Turks occupy my home and property. I am polite with everybody else but why should I be polite with them?
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