Who is this?????
denizaksulu wrote:
The great grandson of Ali Kemal, a traitor to the Kemalist Movement. His great grandfather Ali Kemal was notorious for his anti Nationalist and pro Greek and pro-Sultanate stance and Newspaper articles,during the years following the Sevres Armistice. He was lynched by a Nationalist mob after the defeat of the Greek Army of Occupation at Sakarya and the removal of the Sultan.
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:You dont think he will win do you though? I mean anyone that is going to bother voting for the London mayor race is hardly going to vote for that Boris guy. He's a bit eccentric to say the least.
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:You dont think he will win do you though? I mean anyone that is going to bother voting for the London mayor race is hardly going to vote for that Boris guy. He's a bit eccentric to say the least.
the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:Deniz, do you REALLY think whoever wins the mayoral elections will abolish the congestion charge? I think it was always going to come into play. I can imagine the detremental effect it has on those small business who are just in the congestion zone but not enough to take advantage of the amount of public floating around central London.
Its public transport that takes the piss too - cost 2 pounds to get on the bus in London. Even if im going to do one stop!
DT. wrote:If Boris gets voted Mayor of London then the next big war you'll see will be an armed conflict between London and Liverpool.
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