webbo wrote:hi folks
A poseur for ya all.
Remember the 'barking dog' we have living next door? Yes, well I am at my wits end and today I finally caved in and called the police to complain. O.K. so far, but please tell me why the police need to know all my personal details, ie, name (ok will give them this one), age? nationality. I stopped the woman before she asked any more stating that I do not want my details on a database and asked if I had a Cypriot name would I be subjected to this questioning? She assured me that this was normal practice, hah! Remember, I am theone making the complaint here. I have to ask you all, is this normal? Sounds very dodgy and bit corrupt to me!!
Your views / dealings with the local force would be very much appreciated.
I now have to wait for them to come around. How long will that be? Today? Tomorrow? NEVER?????
Thanks guys
If its routine then its routine.
It reminds of my only accident with a moving object. I was driving through Greenwich Park when I saw a a dog on the loose running towards the road on which I was travelling. The speed limit was 20 mph, I think, I slowed down trying to judge in which direction the dog would turn. The animal was all over the place and in a very excitable mood and obviously enjoying his run. I decided to stop, which I did. The dog in its exuberance not following the Doggy Highway/Parks code ramed in to my side, causing extensive damage. It was a normal size Labrador, no owner in sight, it just ran off. Leaving me furious. My passenger door and front wing were badly dented.
I went to the gate where I found the Parks Police to report a loose canon running with no owner in sight etc. I had to have a breathalyser, give my full details etc. What was all that about. Routine sir!
Thank God I had protected Bonus Insurance cover. They get bored, thats all.