the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:Byzantine Empire lasted 1,000
In one form or another
Chimera wrote:QUOTE Zan:
"Agreed. Great post.
One thing though bigOz...Do you think they might want Turkey in to show them how to make an empire work for six hundred years." UNQUOTE
Are you really proud of the reasons why the Ottoman Empire lasted for quite so long?
Most ethical people would be ashamed to be associated with their atrocities and how they plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.
Nikitas wrote:May 2004 Cyprus joined the European Union and Cypriots on both sides of the fence celebrated.
BUT, since that time there has not been one expression of congratulations from the Turkish Cypriot side, nor any act of remembrance for the Cypriot diplomat who worked day and night for ten years to put is into the European Union- the late Yannos Kranidiotis.
Not a thank you, no one ever expected that, just a well done. And not one minor street or village square in the north was named after him, he was after all a Cypriot. No sir, the Turkish Cypriot side is not prone to acts of congratulation and less so to acts of gratitude no matter how well deserved they may be. The whole thing was treated as an assumed right by them.
One can review the history of the island since 1878 and can see similar acts of ingratitude. Since the green line opened thousands of TCs come over to the south to work, they get full pension benefits, access to social welfare but still, not a word of appreciation. These are the people we are supposedly going into partnership with in a federal state!
Are we kidding ourselves?
zan wrote:Chimera wrote:QUOTE Zan:
"Agreed. Great post.
One thing though bigOz...Do you think they might want Turkey in to show them how to make an empire work for six hundred years." UNQUOTE
Are you really proud of the reasons why the Ottoman Empire lasted for quite so long?
Most ethical people would be ashamed to be associated with their atrocities and how they plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.
And you say you are Greek????
Chimera wrote:zan wrote:Chimera wrote:QUOTE Zan:
"Agreed. Great post.
One thing though bigOz...Do you think they might want Turkey in to show them how to make an empire work for six hundred years." UNQUOTE
Are you really proud of the reasons why the Ottoman Empire lasted for quite so long?
Most ethical people would be ashamed to be associated with their atrocities and how they plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.
And you say you are Greek????
Where does that word even appear in the quote?
Your mordant attempts are completely out of context.
But what do the refractory Turks know
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