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Religion and mankind

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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:13 pm

Filitsa wrote:Logic is not enough, Miltiades. Emotion is a crucial part of humanity. On the one hand, it's what allows us to feel compassion. On the other hand, it's what drives some to behave irrationally. I would say the Creator becomes inconsequential when logic tempers emotion.

You may have noticed the use of inverted commas when reference to a "creator" was implied. As one who has , through logic , rejected the existence of a "creator " but simultaneously accepts the notion of faith when such a "tribal" conjecture helps alleviate human fears desperation and suffering.
There are millions who find solace in tangible experiences and in reality.
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Postby webbo » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:15 pm

Southerner wrote:This thread will now develope into a series of anti West anti Islam arguments and have nothing to do with actual religion.
I sugest that the administators keep an eye on it.

I agree, I thought this was supposed to be a light herted forum that let's you speak your mind without abuse. :?
We all have views to share, but please there is a limit......

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Postby zan » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:24 pm

Filitsa wrote:It may be for some, but as evidenced by current world affairs, it isn't for all. Anyway, that's not my point. Miltiades implies that certain people of religion wouldn't need to concern themselves with the Creator if they exercised logic in their affairs. I say we need to acknowledge the emotional aspect of our humanity, and in so doing, temper our emotion with logic/reason, in order to aspire to that which is good.

Are you saying the same as a vicar I met in Sommerset recently that said he does not actually believe in god or religion but likes the work he is doing.
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Postby Filitsa » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:26 pm

miltiades wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Logic is not enough, Miltiades. Emotion is a crucial part of humanity. On the one hand, it's what allows us to feel compassion. On the other hand, it's what drives some to behave irrationally. I would say the Creator becomes inconsequential when logic tempers emotion.

You may have noticed the use of inverted commas when reference to a "creator" was implied. As one who has , through logic , rejected the existence of a "creator " but simultaneously accepts the notion of faith when such a "tribal" conjecture helps alleviate human fears desperation and suffering.
There are millions who find solace in tangible experiences and in reality.

Then again, perhaps the Creator is redeemed when logic tempers emotion. What the hell do I know???!!! :?
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:53 pm

When religion drives people to perform noble deeds like caring for the sick and the impoverished , the homeless and the incurables the less fortunate amongst us , then religion is truly a Divine notion. On the other hand when religious indoctrination suppresses all sense of morality and humanity and demotes the value of life to that of an ant's then it is an evil act .
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:24 pm

I don't know what's right and I don't know what's wrong... and I don't know what the bloody hell is going on!

So there you have it people, all you've got to do is be excellent to each other...

Regards, GR. (after half a bottle of scotch)
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Postby Filitsa » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:38 pm

Did you know that whiskey derives from a Gaelic term that means "water of life"? There is a God, and you do know what the bloody hell is going on! ;)
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Postby pantheman » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:40 pm

With all the input into this thread, i'm not sure i'm even qualified to speak on the subject, but this what i feel about religion;

1. Belief and faith come from within, you don't just pick it out of the air
2. It is a notion of good that all humans wish to aspire to, as they say humans are inherantly good, but turn bad, so we need a route to follow to become good.
3. I think there is a fair number of hypocrites here, as i think they will all celebrate either, christmas, easter, dwali, ramadan and others that i can't think of right now.
4. Religion is used as a guiding process for the younger in the hope that they will stay good.
5. Its probably easier to explain than science.

We all have our down moments, and i refuse to believe that even the most un believing don't say.... "god / allah (or as appropriate) please help me. In times of need you don't spew out e=mc2 or a2=b2 + c2, you say a small prayer in the hope that there is something there that will come to your aid.

Logic, science, common sense all have their place in the human operation, but religion is something else and is above all that.

Each time you make a wish, like it or not, is a religious call to the almighty, in the hope he will listen to you.

I believe what i believe, i don't force it on anyone, and i wont have anyone tell me otherwise.

There are obviously many unanswered questions, that cause people to doubt the faith, like if god loves us, why does he let all these people die in starvation, disasters and so on ? No one can answer these, because they are not the almighty, and when shit like this happens and you keep the faith this is the true test.

I just hope that god doesn't make me eat my words, because if any harm was to come to my nearest and dearest i don't know how i would feel about the faith. But like said you need something to believe in in life.

This subject is to heavy so i'm outa here.
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Postby zan » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:46 pm

5. Its probably easier to explain than science.

I'll go along with that one... :lol: :lol:
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Postby rawk » Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:51 pm

There's something rather shameful about not being kind or helpful to a friend or stranger as a human being, without some creed or commandment from some supposed creator instructing you to do so.

The 10 commandments!

Literally, obey or be cursed.

And Christians sneer at Muslims for blind acts of obedience?

These rotting vestiges of primitive societies' need for devine guidance

in a pre-technological world needs to be purged!

Stripping religious institutes of any faith of any educational or

charitable/tax free status could be a start.

Regular checks by inspectors to make sure religious and ethnic

hatred laws were not being broken under EU law a close second.

If GOD is so close to them, let him look after them!

After all they claim to be in regular touch with him!

I would add my opinion of those who profess, but I realise this is a family show.

Only, these clowns in beards, gowns and mumbo jumbo mantra are the bain of humanity and they revolt me.

I would move them nearer to their GOD if I could only get away with it!

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