I'm a Computer Science student at Imperial College in London. I'm supposed to be on the most prestigious Comp. Sci. course in the UK and one of the best in the world... but I sometimes have my doubts.
I am, however, wanting to offer any service/advice/support I can provide to those ailed by the perpetual thorn in the side.
I'm especially good at banishing baby dragons and unicorns as well as other mythical creatures such as the Smoking Power Supply or the Blue Screen of Death from your abode or castle.
Willing to provide such services as:
-Web design
-Fixing/building computers
-Software installation, configuration
-Web server installation, configuration
-Other installations/configurations (i.e.: toasters?)
-Diagnosis of hardware/software problems (i.e.: BSOD)
So, take me on! I've got quite a bit of experience with various styles of programming and you'll be helping me out with my education too!
Thanks in advance and hoping I haven't put anyone off with the dragon-related rubbish.