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Organs donations

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Organs donations

Postby LENA » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:13 pm

Few days ago we heard on the news about a young man who had an accident and his parents donate his hard, kidneys and something else that i dont remember. We had a discussion about that with friends and family members. Some people thing that they were not going to do it since some times (very rare) people come back to life. They were supported by machines to stay in life but they were clinical dead (if thats the correct words). Some other beloved that since doctors say that they are clinical dead the best thing is to give the organs away as soon as possible while the organs are in good conditions and to help your beloved person and not let them suffer in that condition. Also they support that by doing this you can save others people lives and is like your beloved person will be sort of alive.

I am also aware that there are organizations that you tell them while you are alive that if anything happens to you to take your organs to save other people

It really a difficult decision. They say that is a sin...then they say that you lose the chance to have your child back in life....but you save other people....

Just wonder what you were going to do if you were in those parents position?

I am sorry a bit heavy topic!!!
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Postby Hazza » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:18 pm

My organs would be useless to me when dead. I'd love to think that mine would be given to people when needed, though would hate the idea of a murderer, paedophile, sex offender, junky etc getting them.

On the other hand, as a reciever, wouldn't want body parts fron what I listed, would rather be dead than keep organs from the above alive.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:36 pm

It is not the kidneys or other organs that make somebody criminal! Just his brain ;)
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Postby Hazza » Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:41 pm

Thats very true Sotos, but still wouldn't want to have any part of them in me. Still wouldn't want my organs being the ones to keep them alive.

Speaking of which, in the UK, we had doner cards. Is there a similar scheme here?
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