As we have established already you are nothing but a fascist GC that does not represent the GC.
And who established this? I asked you to tell me based on what you call me fascist, and you couldn't answer. And I didn't claim to represent GCs, however my views are representative of the views of the great majority of Greek Cypriots (did you see many GCs disagree with me on the issues we are discussing with you?).
Of course the 1821 was an artifial mentality planned from the Great Powers to make reality a small naval country that would oppose the Ottoman Empire.
They gathered a bunch of uneducated Hellonophone Arvanites,Turk Christians Vlachs Tsakonians and turned then into believing they have anything to do with the ancient Greek Hellenism.
The nation that you are a part of us well is as artificial as it gets.Nothing Hellenic in you or me other the fact we speak the Lingua Franca of an era deep in history.
You can say whatever you want. The fact is that today there is a free Greek state because of the brave Greeks that fought for it, and you obviously have nothing to do with them since as we agreed already you are a pussy.
The fact is that you must recognize political equallity to the TC,the rest are remenants of 1821 Megalo Ideatismous..
And the "1821 Megalo Ideatismous" had as a result a free Greek state. If those ideals did not exist, then there would be no Greeks in Greece today.
If the revolution of 1821 proves something, that is that you should keep fighting for your rights. Most of the times you will be defeated, but if you do not give up, then the right time will come that your rights will align with the interests of the powerful, and that will be the time that you will be rewarded for your struggles.
What we fight for, human rights, liberation and democracy, are universal ideals and we have nothing to be ashamed for. We don't want to harm anybody, we want each TC to be equal and have the exact same right as each GC, and we want the well being of all Cypriots without exception. What we will not accept is to be forced to live in an undemocratic puppet state because that suits the interests of some others. The struggle is a difficult one, but it is a just and fair one, so we will not give it up.