Get Real! wrote:The Microphone wrote:Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.
Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe
Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?
Regards, GR.
GR..... the first part of your 'quote of mine' response is a rather inept attempt at fun poking. Please try harder. Also please read (if you can) any posts I make here. Then try and understand them. You will then understand the comment. I am not hopeful this is achievable.
Your last comment is amoebic. Coming from a being of a single cell I am not surprised.
It's a shame you took things so personal and got defensive, we could've had an interesting wit storming session...
Personal? Me? Never.
I'm all for a wit storming session.
I fear I may have misinterpreted your comments. Forgive me.
I shall draw my sabre and await your reposte.