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Why do some of you get so nasty ?

Feel free to talk about anything that you want.

Postby The Microphone » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:59 pm

Get Real! wrote:
The Microphone wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?

YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe

Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?

Regards, GR.

GR..... the first part of your 'quote of mine' response is a rather inept attempt at fun poking. Please try harder. Also please read (if you can) any posts I make here. Then try and understand them. You will then understand the comment. I am not hopeful this is achievable.

Your last comment is amoebic. Coming from a being of a single cell I am not surprised.

It's a shame you took things so personal and got defensive, we could've had an interesting wit storming session... :(

Personal? Me? Never.

I'm all for a wit storming session.

I fear I may have misinterpreted your comments. Forgive me.

I shall draw my sabre and await your reposte. :-) Let battle commence :-)
The Microphone
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Postby djames77 » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:19 am

Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE? quote]

Get Real, this happens every single day in politics, business, and texting your wife to say your working late when your really in the pub. So yes, in answer to your question, it is possible!!
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:21 am

ha ha ha................ :-)

(shapens sabre) :-)
The Microphone
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Postby Avanapa » Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:00 am

K,n,G please do,nt be influenced by the few sad, negative people on this forum. You will probably have noticed that no-one has actually answered your question. Thats because they do,nt know why their nasty.I do. Its because they are ignorant, sad people who are not happy with their lot and only take comfort from hoping others are in the same position. Ignore them. There are many on this forum only too glad to help you, so never be afraid to ask any question you feel like asking. You can always spot the saddos so just ignore them and you,ll be fine. Lots of good info here from people who really want to help.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:13 am

The Microphone wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
The Microphone wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?

YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe

Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?

Regards, GR.

GR..... the first part of your 'quote of mine' response is a rather inept attempt at fun poking. Please try harder. Also please read (if you can) any posts I make here. Then try and understand them. You will then understand the comment. I am not hopeful this is achievable.

Your last comment is amoebic. Coming from a being of a single cell I am not surprised.

It's a shame you took things so personal and got defensive, we could've had an interesting wit storming session... :(

Personal? Me? Never.

I'm all for a wit storming session.

I fear I may have misinterpreted your comments. Forgive me.

I shall draw my sabre and await your reposte. :-) Let battle commence :-)

Have you nominated your seconds or is it in camera?
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Postby mad-dog » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:34 pm

Avanapa wrote:K,n,G please do,nt be influenced by the few sad, negative people on this forum. You will probably have noticed that no-one has actually answered your question. Thats because they do,nt know why their nasty.I do. Its because they are ignorant, sad people who are not happy with their lot and only take comfort from hoping others are in the same position. Ignore them. There are many on this forum only too glad to help you, so never be afraid to ask any question you feel like asking. You can always spot the saddos so just ignore them and you,ll be fine. Lots of good info here from people who really want to help.

i second this
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:30 pm

mad-dog wrote:
Avanapa wrote:K,n,G please do,nt be influenced by the few sad, negative people on this forum. You will probably have noticed that no-one has actually answered your question. Thats because they do,nt know why their nasty.I do. Its because they are ignorant, sad people who are not happy with their lot and only take comfort from hoping others are in the same position. Ignore them. There are many on this forum only too glad to help you, so never be afraid to ask any question you feel like asking. You can always spot the saddos so just ignore them and you,ll be fine. Lots of good info here from people who really want to help.

i second this

Its obviously you who sold him his house!

And those pearls of wisdom from Saint Avanapa gave me a really good laugh. He loves gullible people like KnG (sorry offense meant)...... and if they had asked a sensible question then I'd have been only too happy to help.
The Microphone
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Postby k'n'G » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:19 pm


I understand what you are saying with regard to the selling of property in the U.K, buyers and sellers are lead by estate agents and solicitors all insisting that we take everything to the enth digree, perhaps because they make a packet out of it and for some reason some of us do get carried away in the sun and in the heat of the moment throw caution to the wind, spending our life savings on something we either believe will make us enough money to retire on or provide us with the sort of holiday home we see in the magazines, or as in our case give us the chance of a different life in a place we have grown to love.
We are slowly finding out what we need to know about the legal system in Cyprus with regards to imigration, registration, shipping vehicles e.t.c. We have found this and other forums and specificaly the folk that use them very helpful. So please don't think us stupid, far from it we are inteligent enough to know that there is no substitute for knowlege.

Kind regards
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Postby The Microphone » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:19 am

KnG.....I never intended to insult you or your intelligence. But this (and other forums) are littered with exactly the type of person you detail. I have spoken to a number of people who have learned some very hard lessons and departed from Cyprus potless! Their dreams in tatters. In my work I hear nightmare stories (and good ones) regularly. Dont become one of them. I hope you enjoy your time here as I do.!
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Postby Spetz » Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:50 pm

Don't let keyboard heros get to you
They like to be tough guys behind their monitor. Probably cuz they are such bitches in real life
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