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Why do some of you get so nasty ?

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Postby alexISS » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:42 pm

Get Real! wrote:
DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
alexISS wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
alexISS wrote:Wow you certainly rushed to prove him right GetReal... :lol:

What's my alias again? :lol:

You mean your secret one? Something like "classAdeb8r" :lol:

That's the one my classDdeb8r... 8)

thought it was the masDdeb8r :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's excellent! Alexis the Greek masDdeb8r! :lol:

Look how that turned out... I surely fell for your bait...
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Postby alexISS » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:43 pm

Get Real "the indigenous" master baiter!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Michael Coumas » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:42 pm

If you have followed this thread to date, you will, I assume, not be too impressed with the level of intellect displayed by some. All I can suggest is perhaps do not give it the dignity of a response. It is a sad fact that in all walks of life there are those who take that little bit more than most to mature into adults.
Why communicating, or not as the case may be, over forums such as this attracts the type I do not know. It may be that they are not yet of an age to be permitted out alone - who knows. I guess they enjoy it so from my point of view at least I generally ignore it however be aware that there are forums out there who are genuinely helpfull & respectfull of each other.
They may be considered boring by some but likewise if this is entertainment then I must be from planet Janet as I am certain your original question was an honest attempt to glean information. Please excuse the disingenuous attempts at humour. Our Island deserves better.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:23 pm

Svetlana wrote:Unfortunatetly, this forum, like most, has a number of 'Internet toughguys' who demonstrate their remarkable bravery from behind their keyboards - real cardboard gangstas!

God forbid that anyone, including those whose first language is not English, should make a spelling mistake - the Punctuation Police will soon be there :-)

I can only assume, and hope, that their behaviour in real life is very different from their behaviour here.

Having said all this, there are many nice guys and girls here. Also some very witty and intelligent people - and in the CyProb Section - many people who are 100% right 100% of the time :-)

:shock: You have no less than 6 spelling mistakes! Please note that this is a very serious offence often punishable by castration although on this occasion I’m letting you off with a friendly warning thanks to my lenient and charming nature… 8)
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Postby free_cyprus » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:28 pm

some people in life are wise and some are " otherwise" dont be offended by the ones who are otherwise lol they know not better.
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Re: Why do some of you get so nasty ?

Postby The Microphone » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:27 pm

k'n'G wrote:Why is it that some of you out there get so nasty when questions are asked that they think are either stupid or a waste of time !
Classic example is Microphones nasty rude comments re my questions about what is the best plan to establish ourselves when we arrive in Cyprus, some of you may think they are silly questions and if that's the case rather than show off and be horrible just ignore the question and reply to somebody you are interested in helping, that type of response is really putting me off this forum which is a shame because 95% of the members are really helpful - so thanks to them for there advice !
and members like Microphone - do cheer up & be nice !!!

I did say I wasnt meaning to be rude.

However, this forum is full of posts like yours. You buy a house here without the faintest idea of what you are doing.

Yet you would argue about the placing of a dot on the letter 'I' if you bought my house in the UK.

With such an approach how can you be surprised when you get chopped off at the knees?

Its fools like you that will wax lyrical today about 'idyllic Cyprus' and go home in 18 months time broke blaming everyone but yourself.

Svetlana. My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking. If boneheads like the guy who started this thread engaed brain before opening wallet or mouth we'd all be safer. And a lot less inclined to poke fun.

He only has himself to blame.

If he cant handle that then thats his/your problem. If you ask a really dumb question then expect people like me to put you right.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:10 pm

Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?

YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe

Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?

Regards, GR.
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Re: Why do some of you get so nasty ?

Postby mad-dog » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:11 pm

as ive said many times there are to many bitter and twisted people on this forum ,
my very first post on here was attacked coz of 1 spelling mistake :twisted:
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Postby The Microphone » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?

YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe

Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?

Regards, GR.

GR..... the first part of your 'quote of mine' response is a rather inept attempt at fun poking. Please try harder. Also please read (if you can) any posts I make here. Then try and understand them. You will then understand the comment. I am not hopeful this is achievable.

Your last comment is amoebic. Coming from a being of a single cell I am not surprised.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:54 pm

The Microphone wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Microphone, I have a couple of questions for you...

The Microphone wrote:My posts here are fair and I believe accurate, if occasionally pointed and piss taking.

Do you think it is ever possible for a human being to KNOWINGLY post something that is UNFAIR and INACCURATE?

YoU cAnNoT kIlL wHaT yOu DiD nOt CrEaTe

Finally, If I were to squash an ant dead would your tagline stand?

Regards, GR.

GR..... the first part of your 'quote of mine' response is a rather inept attempt at fun poking. Please try harder. Also please read (if you can) any posts I make here. Then try and understand them. You will then understand the comment. I am not hopeful this is achievable.

Your last comment is amoebic. Coming from a being of a single cell I am not surprised.

It's a shame you took things so personal and got defensive, we could've had an interesting wit storming session... :(
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