zan wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Jerry wrote:zan wrote:Jerry wrote:Sorry coconut winners, I've been away all day so I have only just caught up with your winning posts. The coconuts are here awaiting your collection. Here is in the UK, postcode CT4.
Thanks for the punctuation lesson Filitsa. I did not know that American and British punctuation rules differed so much. I know the spelling of some words has been modified in the US, the one that irritates me most is "dove" as used in the past tense of dive. A "dove" is a bloody bird, it looks a bit like a pigeon.
It would have been bloody easier to teach my sons to read if it was "duv" and "kuller". Still would have to explane why two "L's" and not one though.....Good old/new Turkish language. It is much easier to read and write. BUT...........they are now starting to use the letter "Q" in places so........![]()
Interesting thing about the letter "Q" Zan, it is always followed by the letter "U" in a word. Is that the case in Turkish?
P.S. It's comforting to see that Turkey is adopting modern practices (that is assuming the use of "Q" is a modern to the Turkish language), let's hope it continues.
Sorry for the interruption. Zan will correct me later.
Q does not exist in the Turkish Alphabet. First reason they have it is because of the imported Turkish 'X' FactorTV Show. Secondly , I may be wrong here, they are accommodating the Kurdish population in Turkey. Otherwise the sound for 'X' is covered as you say.
I think you are right about the "Q" Deniz.
Last year on Turkish news I watched a bit of an argument, and lots of MPs were objecting to the letter 'Q' being used in the press, but I think they are trying to turn a blind eye, but then they have to deal with the Grey Wolves. What the GW are saying is 'how dare they, the MPs ,accept the'Q' letter when everyday Turks are being murdered by the greek supported PKK? It goes on and on and on (the killing that is).