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Makarios' "13 Points" (November 1963)

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:55 pm

I am afraid that is the way Pyro thinks.. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Makarios had control over everything...EOKA were killing everything that spoke up against ENOSIS and the Greek papers were going to print what Makarios really said....If that is not funny then I don't know what is. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Funny is how desperate you are in trying to spread your lies in order to try and somehow bring some legality to something the whole world see's as illegal. Your a scum piece of shit Zan who needs to find a woman lol.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:58 pm

bigOz wrote:3. (usually initial capital letter) a region or territory situated in this direction.
Did someone hear a snake hiss? :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, just a grey wolf go baaaaa! :lol:
You just LOVE shooting yourself in the foot don't you? :lol:
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:59 pm

The whole capital letter 'north' and 'south' thing does tickle me somewhat :lol:
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Postby zan » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:06 pm

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:
So you think the Greek Cypriot press at the time reported everything Makarios said and done? Does the fact that no murder of a Turkish Cypriot was reported in the press means that the murders did not happen?

Here we go again - its the anti-Greek.

Relying on the press to finding factual information about political matters is not very clever, no matter what side of the political divide you lie.

I like the excuse used to describe Loucas Charalampous. His views are "opinionated" as opposed, I suppose, to the views of all the others, who are balanced and therefore correct. When Papadopoulos, for example, was quoted as saying that no Turkish Cypriot was killed between 1963 and 1974, his opinion was much appreciated and the politically correct did not raise an eyebrow.

Bananiot your as bad as Zan, brining up regurgetated claims that have no credibility for truth (often used by Turkish propagandists). This whole thing about Papadopolous saying that no Turkish Cypriot was killed between '63 and '74 comes from a single one off article printed in some kind of Arabic website by a journalist which nobody knows quoted the Cyprus president directly, or used primary or secondary information to write his piece. Have you heard the Cyprus president directly say what the article said??? Are you such a moron (which I think you are) that you believe everything you read in the press?????????

A pissed up little Greek black boy trying to tell Bananiot what to think.... Listen hear Ali G...You are not worthy of even writing this mans name let alone expecting him to answer you. How old are you dick head...... :roll: :roll: :roll:

You have not posted a single version of events to show us that you know anything of what happened at the time so I would just go and get back under your rock... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:27 pm

At PIO you can find the authentic script of the interview given to Al Khaleez by Papadopoulos. Seeking the truth has been the primary aim of numerous (real) Greek philosophers. The neo Greeks are nothing but barbarians that learned Greek, according to Vasilis Rafaelides and people like the snake are proving Rafaelides right every time they open their foul mouth.
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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:37 pm

Bananiot wrote:So you think the Greek Cypriot press at the time reported everything Makarios said and done? Does the fact that no murder of a Turkish Cypriot was reported in the press means that the murders did not happen?

one could argue, that this is actually a pretty good reason for the gc media at the time to have reported such a statement. a number of them were so anti-turkish that such a statement would be surely presented. :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:50 pm

All newspapers of the time were fervent supporters of enosis. Haravgi, not excluded. They knew how to protect Makarios. Those were evil times ...
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:17 pm

Bananiot wrote:So you think the Greek Cypriot press at the time reported everything Makarios said and done? Does the fact that no murder of a Turkish Cypriot was reported in the press means that the murders did not happen?

I like the excuse used to describe Loucas Charalampous. His views are "opinionated" as opposed, I suppose, to the views of all the others, who are balanced and therefore correct. When Papadopoulos, for example, was quoted as saying that no Turkish Cypriot was killed between 1963 and 1974, his opinion was much appreciated and the politically correct did not raise an eyebrow.

a)Yes I believe such a statement would certainly make headlines. Panayia was his hometown and there was a widespread press coverage the 2 times he went there.
b1)The press covered all incidents of intercommunal violence giving estimated or known numbers of victims e.g Kokkina, Kofinou, Omorfita etc.
b2)Single persons killings were also reported when known. e.g.Mishaoulis kavazoglou,Ahmed Gurkan and Ayhan Hikmet as well as various other reports in newspapers of more general format like
15. Refer to Cyprus Mail, 2 January 1964, and the Special News Bulletin, issue number 8. The Cyprus Government alleged that two Greek-Cypriot monks and a novitiate were murdered by Turk-Cypriots from Kophinou.
16. Refer to the Cyprus Mail, 3 January 1964, and to the Special News Bulletin, issue number 26. These sources differ as to who started the fighting, but it is known that one Greek-Cypriot and one Turk-Cypriot were killed.

c)Yes Loucas Charalambous writes opinionated articles, would you like to see a sample?

d)Papadopoulos did NOT say no TC died from 1963. According to the reporter who took the interview he said the following:
"The intercommunal violence ended in 1968. How many TCs were killed from 1968 until 1974? Nobody was killed."

I think we discussed this matter in this forum already and we found that there were in fact a few killed. So Papadopoulos was not precise, but the argument that there was no intercommunal violence from 1968-1974 was factually correct.

e)Comparing opinionated articles with factuall truths is like comparing apples with oranges.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:31 pm

Bananiot wrote:At PIO you can find the authentic script of the interview given to Al Khaleez by Papadopoulos. Seeking the truth has been the primary aim of numerous (real) Greek philosophers. The neo Greeks are nothing but barbarians that learned Greek, according to Vasilis Rafaelides and people like the snake are proving Rafaelides right every time they open their foul mouth.

So if you have the athentic script then show it to us.If you paid 10 cents to have it copied then give me your bank account and i will deposit you 20 cents. :P
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:09 am

A pissed up little Greek black boy trying to tell Bananiot what to think.... Listen hear Ali G...You are not worthy of even writing this mans name let alone expecting him to answer you. How old are you dick head......

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....

You have not posted a single version of events to show us that you know anything of what happened at the time so I would just go and get back under your rock... Laughing

On the contrary - ive done my reading but just dont see the point in trying to correct moron fundamentalists such as yourself. Whats the point in even having any kind of debate with someone such as yourself who is a blatent liar - that would be just a waste of time and bandwidth.
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