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Water shortage

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Water shortage

Postby webbo » Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:31 pm

A friend of mine has just asked this as she is very peed of with her neighbours who insist on washing down the street every night. Who should she call to report them. a number to dial would be excellent. I see them in my locality too as soon as it gets dark they come out and waste water on the street. This is no laughing matter folks as it will affect us all very shortly.

Point two. Why are they still allowing all this building to go on when they are short of water? every tonne of concrete uses masses of water to make.

Nobody will buy houses here if there is no water.

Point three. Is it really necessary to have a shiney car when water is short. All the car washes are still operating
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:10 pm

Hush, we have elections pending. This is how the banana republic functions.
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Postby LENA » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:17 pm

Webbo you need to report that on the authorities of your the mouxtari etc. Lots of people start reporting those things!
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:20 pm

Bananiot wrote:Hush, we have elections pending. This is how the banana republic functions.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Hazza » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:30 am

Unless the goverment help the car wash places, the no, they shouldn't close down. Its their business, their lively hood. To stop operating, then some form of compensation is necessery. Same with construction sites.

Should they close one, they have to close them all....hotesls with swimming pools, waterparks, stop watering plants & trees in the streets, in the Finnigoudes. Its either all or nothing.
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Postby allanm » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:22 am

I have never seen so much water wasted when we live in a country with a shortage.
Cypriots don't understand the basics of cutting back on water everyday either the women or maid are hoseing everything in site.
lf you report them you will proberbly find it's a cousin or nephew or long lost relative in authority and nothing will be done...................... again.
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Postby raiseurfist » Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:40 am

Just call your local police station or the water board and insist for them to come and stop your neighbours.
And if they manage not to get a fine the first time they are bound to be more sceptical about doing it again.

Its usually old ladies that wash all of their verandas and the whole street in front of their house to "set the dirt down". I told a neighbour once that its illegal and she said that "at night its ok". As if the law doesnt apply after 8pm....
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Postby halil » Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:54 am

DROP !!!!! DROP !!!!! DROP !!!! DİSAPPEARS !!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Water shortage

Postby alexISS » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:07 am

webbo wrote:Point three. Is it really necessary to have a shiney car when water is short. All the car washes are still operating

Car washes use less water per car than an individual who washes his own car
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Postby devil » Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:54 pm

It is a criminal offence to use a hose for private purposes. Automatic car washes recycle the water and each car uses typically only a few litres to replace evaporation and throughput losses. It is probable that hand washing a car (or a verandah) with a hose will use more than 10 times as much water as an automatic car wash.

The current water situation is because of political and technical incompetence, combined with a lack of hydrological knowledge. It could have been avoided.
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