There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says: "Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime."
This proverb should be reminded to TCs everyday, while they are waiting for the Financial Aid of Europe.
We have been given financial aid all the time in the last 30 years by Turkey. This was seen as a good thing originally but later on “the evils of taking without earning” became apparent in TC society. Productivity plummeted. People became so dependent on the government give-outs that almost half of the society one way or the other depends its living on government. And this coupled with the bad, I should actually emphasize, horrible taxing system in north that government itself became very dependent on Turkey’s aid.
All these coupled with the isolations cause us to loose our main productive and value additive resource in the north, private entrepreneurship, and became completely dependent on the money coming from Turkey to survive.
Now different parties are trying to do the same thing in Cyprus. They are actually trying to replace Turkey with RoC, in a scheme where RoC would give us give-out and we will accept this and became this time totally dependent on RoC. The whole idea of separating direct trade deal from European Financial Aid is actually nothing more than manifestation of this.
RoC keeps on telling us that she wants to increase our living standards and increase our economic level, and proposing us direct aids which will be channeled through RoC and also a crippled mechanism of trade which will have to go through again with the mercy of RoC. Basically they are trying to give us fish again like Turkey did for the last 30 years instead of trying to teach us how to fish so that we as TCs cannot stand on our feet without being economically dependent on any government, be it Turkey, TRNC, or RoC.
TC society should be wary of this approach of government hand-outs and understand that the only way forward is by having a sound private economical sector that can stand on its own feet. That is why we should reject this European Financial Aid as much as we should have refused all the Turkish Financial Aids for the last 30 years. In the long all this does is to kill private sector entrepreneurship among the TC society.
You want to help us. Open the possibilities for trade, tourism. You want to give us money, then do not simply give us money, come and build infrastructure projects that will help us to produce more. You want to help us “Do not simply open RoC hospitals to TCs without proper fees and taxes, charge money for it” so that TCs can learn that nothing in life is free, and everything should be earned.
“Teach us how to fish instead of giving us fish”