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Stretched Limo's

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Postby Nick T » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:31 pm

Preston City Council Taxi News Issue 3, December 2006:

9 Hackney Carriage - Private Hire - Hackney Carriage - Private Hire -So, the vehicles currently on the road could well be unlawful and possibly unsafe. Most of these vehicles are from the U.S.A where they can only be licensed for ve years and are then shipped to England via Europe.These vehicles have no 'M1 rating (i.e. crash safety assurance) and could therefore be death traps on wheels.The Police and the Council are very concerned with regard to this matter and will be keeping a close look out for these vehicles. The vehicles normally have the wrong tyres on them. The combined weight of the stretch limousine and up to twelve passengers, places considerable stress on the tyres and chassis and does not meet the rigorous construction standards that should have been applied when it was still in the U.S.A.The correct tyres for these vehicles are as follows :Up to 1998 : 235/75R-15 (108s) BF Goodrich Extra LoadUp to 1998 : 225/70R-16 (107t) ReinforcedThe policy and procedures for stretch limousines will be considered by the Taxi and Miscellaneous Sub Committee in the New Year.

The above is taken directly from the source as indicated above and is only one of many sharing similar concerns.

For information, I do not, and have never driven a Taxi. I only impart this so that sceptics are better informed and less likely to make statements that cannot be substantiated due to ignorance! (No offence intended & nothing personal).

I personally don't give a f**k whether these things are up to the job or not, if the chavs want to pose in them...good luck!!
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Postby The Microphone » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:43 pm

Any vehicle (for your information) imported into the UK, has to have correctly rated tyres fitted. Dear old customs see to that. Then there are things like headlights etc etc etc. Your notes from a Council meeting show that these fools know nothing about importing a vehicle or anything else.

C and U regulations prevent the (US) Simpson crash helmet from legitimate use in the UK even though its construction is superior to the minimum BSI standard for crash helmets. Simpson have not bothered to get BSI because the cost outwieghs the benefits of obtaining such a rating.

Therefore aruments of the nature you outline are just plain flawed.

And as for chavs using a stretch limo, I'd suggest that you'd be highly unlikely to walk if your mate paid for one to pick you up and drive you to some swanky evening! And if you DID walk you'd be the only twat that did!
The Microphone
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Postby Nick T » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:55 pm

I fear it's not just a tyre related issue. And why should local councils need to understand about importing vehicles in the UK; just that they comply with local laws in respect of their intended use.

None of my mates would be crass enough to organise a stretched limo for any kind of occasion, swanky or otherwise.
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:09 am

Nick T wrote:I fear it's not just a tyre related issue. And why should local councils need to understand about importing vehicles in the UK; just that they comply with local laws in respect of their intended use.

None of my mates would be crass enough to organise a stretched limo for any kind of occasion, swanky or otherwise.

A) Tyres are one of many issues covered by customs when importing vehicles.

B) Councillors feel that it is their 'elected duty' to try and undertsand that which they know F all about. Job justification and all that.

C) Crass??? You and your mates must be extremely boring! I bet you all drive mini clubmans, wear flat caps and count farthings at Christmas.

D) And you'd rather walk if one DID turn up outsdide your door? People like you make me laugh. Sorry!
The Microphone
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Postby Nick T » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:35 am

Mini Clubmans!!! Check out the new one coming out this November.
If by 'extremely boring' you possibly mean discerning, then I'll agree.
Flat caps & farthings? Before my time, and anyway I thought you had all the farthings!!!!!

Strange & eclectic, maybe; but not boring. They also tend to drive big old barges of at least 8 cylinders.
Who said anything about walking?

I agree with B though. However, I believe that A is outside the remit of C & E, or whatever they're called today.
If you mean DVLA then I understand, or being a self confessed piss taker and wit stormer, you're just 'avin a laugh??
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:40 am can make up your own mind mate.... :-)

Seriously.... C+E rigourously insist that all imported vehicles do meet current CU regulations and that any necessary import duties are paid. (I know :-) )
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Postby Nick T » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:51 am

I haven't disagreed with you, because there may be some arcane rules regarding tyres within the remit & jurisdiction of C & E.

However, the more likely arbiter & custodian of such rules/laws would surely be the DVLA as they are obviously concerned with C & U for all vehicles licenced for the road.

I think we've done this to death, it's so boring we should be able to find better entertainment than this. What say you?
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:32 pm

Agreed! There's plenty on this forum :-)
The Microphone
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