Filitsa, if you have read any of the previous posts that I have submitted, you will no doubt observe that these two 'Gentlemen ' have joined forces and persistently responded with insults and allegations that I am a sympathiser with suicide bombers and terrorists.
They have never answered the questions I have put to them, preferring to constantly refer to other and current events in Iraq and elsewhere.
So tiresome have they become (much to my own shame) I have just recently responded to them with insult.
I am absolutely fed up with their inane comments, they are a sad representation of the older generation (in my opinion) and I feel somewhat sullied by association with them.
As to my own nationality, I am British, I have a military background and have travelled widely, it would appear that my biggest 'Fault' (according to the two gentlemen mentioned) lies in the fact that I do try to understand the reasons for the conflicts now occuring in many parts of the world.
The reason for my interest is quite simple, I have never been anywhere in the world where I was not made welcome by the ordinary people, I have never encountered racism or hatred among them, it just seems extraordinary to me that, at the drop of a hat, the whole world seems to become embroiled in so much hatred.
I personally blame the politicians, I have seen them in action, I have sat with them during debates and have been shocked at their behaviour in privacy, I would dearly love to find what encourages the ordinary people, particularly we of the West, to submit to the awful actions of our nations, 'knowing them to be wrong', accepting the fact that they are mostly the result of chicanery, yet offering complete loyalty.
Am I so wrong when I try to determine the 'Root Causes' of the conflicts in the world ?.
Do I deserve derision and sustained insult for embarking on such a quest ?.
Best Wishes to you Filitsa.