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Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:43 pm

Southerner wrote:You justify the everyday slaughter in Iraq of men women and children by suicide bombers, blaming it on the west, wow what logic, "we've been invaded let's kill our fellow countrymen".

Are you denying or ignoring that the US/UK are applying the "divide and rule" tactic to enforce their will on Iraq?

Which of these two shortcomings are you suffering from that keeps you from placing any blame on the US/UK?
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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:51 pm

Get Real! wrote:Are you denying or ignoring that the US/UK are applying the "divide and rule" tactic to enforce their will on Iraq?

Divide and rule what?

What great logic, "I feel so divided, I need some unifying therapy, I know I'll go and kill some fellow Iraqis"
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Postby Southerner » Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:52 pm

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Are you denying or ignoring that the US/UK are applying the "divide and rule" tactic to enforce their will on Iraq?
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Divide and rule what?

What great logic, "I feel so divided, I need some unifying therapy, I know I'll go and kill some fellow Iraqis"
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:00 am

Southerner wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Are you denying or ignoring that the US/UK are applying the "divide and rule" tactic to enforce their will on Iraq?

Divide and rule what?

What great logic, "I feel so divided, I need some unifying therapy, I know I'll go and kill some fellow Iraqis"

You have answered my question... that'll be all thank you. :)
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Postby Chimera » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:29 am

Perhaps the reason the U.K. supported the invasion in 1974 (sitting back was effectively supporting) by Turkey, was that they were hoping to
"bury the bad news" that they couldn't pay the rent for their bases. :oops:
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Postby The Microphone » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:36 am

Chimera wrote:Perhaps the reason the U.K. supported the invasion in 1974 (sitting back was effectively supporting) by Turkey, was that they were hoping to
"bury the bad news" that they couldn't pay the rent for their bases. :oops:

Sorry mate but if your statement was half'd be living in a Turkish controlled Island. Yes? (PS....not saying I agree with the invasion or anything approaching it. Just wanted to make that clear)
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Postby Chimera » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:45 am

The Microphone wrote:
Chimera wrote:Perhaps the reason the U.K. supported the invasion in 1974 (sitting back was effectively supporting) by Turkey, was that they were hoping to
"bury the bad news" that they couldn't pay the rent for their bases. :oops:

Sorry mate but if your statement was half'd be living in a Turkish controlled Island. Yes? (PS....not saying I agree with the invasion or anything approaching it. Just wanted to make that clear)

You are effectively admitting that it would be the sort of thing the U.K. would do then, if they couldn't pay the rent?
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Postby Southerner » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:00 am

Chimera wrote:
The Microphone wrote:
Chimera wrote:Perhaps the reason the U.K. supported the invasion in 1974 (sitting back was effectively supporting) by Turkey, was that they were hoping to
"bury the bad news" that they couldn't pay the rent for their bases. :oops:

Sorry mate but if your statement was half'd be living in a Turkish controlled Island. Yes? (PS....not saying I agree with the invasion or anything approaching it. Just wanted to make that clear)

You are effectively admitting that it would be the sort of thing the U.K. would do then, if they couldn't pay the rent?

Now here's someone really putting words in your mouth
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Postby Chimera » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:07 am

Just logical deduction really.

I was slighlty playing devil's advocate. :wink:

But, the reality is that the U.K was struggling with the payments at the time (3 day week, power cuts, strikes etc).

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Postby Southerner » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:10 am

Chimera wrote:Perhaps the reason the U.K. supported the invasion in 1974 (sitting back was effectively supporting) by Turkey, was that they were hoping to "bury the bad news" that they couldn't pay the rent for their bases. :oops:

Shortly before I was stationed in Cyprus in 1966 the UK which had been keeping the peace even though it was no longer the UKs responsibilty as the country was now independent served notice on the the UN that it was no longer going to be 'Pig in the middle'.
After the UN deployment it was not the resposibility of the UK to keep the peace or prevent/repulse the Turkish Invasion (according to you it couldn't afford to do so anyway so make up your mind). UK military prescence was purely fixed to the SBAs where my landlady was very happy to be employed..
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