I am very tired now and must bid you goodnight Sir,
God Bless and best wishes to your family.

Eliko wrote:I do wish they would read my posts and THINK about the content, they seem so reluctant to do so, quite frustrating actually.
Southerner wrote:The Microphone wrote:Why do Eliko and Miltiades fight like cat and dog?
Have you ever seen Miltiades starting posts constantly slagging the west and at the same time blaming the UK for all the ills that have befallen Cyprus?.
Like me Miltiades is totaly fed up with this devotee of Saddam, Osama Bin Liner and the likes, who grabs and posts every bit of anti western propoganda that he can lay his hands on.
The Microphone wrote:I dont agree mate. I dont think Eliko is anti-western. Its just his opinion. And we are all entitiled to that.
Southerner wrote:The Microphone wrote:Why do Eliko and Miltiades fight like cat and dog?
Have you ever seen Miltiades starting posts constantly slagging the west and at the same time blaming the UK for all the ills that have befallen Cyprus?.
Like me Miltiades is totaly fed up with this devotee of Saddam, Osama Bin Liner and the likes, who grabs and posts every bit of anti western propoganda that he can lay his hands on.
Southerner wrote:The Microphone wrote:I dont agree mate. I dont think Eliko is anti-western. Its just his opinion. And we are all entitiled to that.
An opinion yes, provocative posts no.
Eliko has made some incredibly stupid/Inflammatory comments about the UK, regarding his current example people can make figures show what they want them to. In the so-called Cod War with Iceland in the early 70s the UK withdrew citing the cost of the operation regarding the naval frigates involved, what would these frigates have been doing had they not been involved? they would have been expending amminition and fuel on NATO exercises.
The problem is Eliko is so gullible that he believes every bit of garbage that is fed to him.
The Microphone wrote:[
He states facts. Not opinions. I have checked the US spend figures and they are pretty close.!
Sorry about that, I didn't set it out as well as it should have been I wasn't accusing you.The Microphone wrote:Southerner. Do not put words in my mouth.
You justify the everyday slaughter in Iraq of men women and children by suicide bombers, blaming it on the west, wow what logic, "we've been invaded let's kill our fellow countrymen".
You claim to look for the root cause of problems and yet you stupidly blamed the UK for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus saying the UK planned/caused/encouraged it. Were it not for the UK prescence the whole of Cyprus would now be under the Turkish Flag, forever!
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