Eliko wrote:Filitsa wrote:Eliko, is there truth to Southerner's allegation that you "campaign against the West"? Am I correct to conclude from your avatar that you are from the West?
The gentleman in question has unfortunately joined forces with another of his ilk and concluded that I must be 'Campaigning' against the West since I have published some very strong objections to the unlawful invasion of Iraq.
I have also stated my objections to the insults levelled at the leaders of other nations, since they ARE the leaders and should be respected as such, (regardless of our personal opinions) as we are not qualified to criticise the policies of other nations particularly when our own is under scrutiny from those same nations.
I have always endeavoured to seek the 'Root Causes' of any conflicts I have made reference to and seem to have attracted a great deal of criticism (mostly from the same sources) for my efforts.
I have been subjected to an enormous amount of personal abuse from one member in particular, his foul language does him no credit and I do feel that my objections to it have encouraged him to desist generally.
(This fact is quite apparent if you care to read through some past exchanges).
I have NEVER stated that I hate the West, NEVER condoned the actions of those who are resisting aggression, NEVER allied myself to the enemies of the West and NEVER offered foul language and direct insult to any member since I would consider that to be detrimental to my own character.
My avatar is the flag of Cuba, I have family connections there, the President of that nation has received his insult from the aforementioned gentleman's counterpart (who has also boasted of his verbal abuse to the Mayor of an area of Cyprus, such is his capacity for respect) I think it is shameful behaviour as the gentleman in question admits to be 61 years of age. (some role model for the younger members of this forum).
I am a citizen of the West, I am NOT a Muslim and NO, there is no truth in the allegations of the gentleman in question, he has merely become influenced by the other of his age.

Best wishes to you, sorry for the delay in responding, I've had a busy day.

Once again Eliko the usual garbage, anything that anyone does goes as far as you are concerned as long as it is against the west.
You justify the everyday slaughter in Iraq of men women and children by suicide bombers, blaming it on the west, wow what logic, "we've been invaded let's kill our fellow countrymen".
You claim to look for the root cause of problems and yet you stupidly blamed the UK for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus saying the UK planned/caused/encouraged it. Were it not for the UK prescence the whole of Cyprus would now be under the Turkish Flag, forever!
You never critcise the people who cause divisions amongst the population of Iraq, these peopole being Iran, Syria and Osama bin liner.
Anyone who justified the recent bombing of football supporters by blaming the coalition has got to deserve the derision and ridicule that you have received.
To say as you do that nobody has the right to question the conduct of people such as Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Slobadan Milosovic, Mgabe leaves many questions that require answers about your mental state or political tendencys.
You constantly carp about the British Prescence in Cyprus past and present, Miltiades quite correctly showed what an utter uinformed fool you were over that issue, the Cypriot economy grew through the British prescence which encompasses the Miltary, Ex-pats and the tourist industry.
Whenever I see you posting your usual anti west propoganda I will always respond.
Come up with something sensible for a change instead of constantly displaying your anti western bigotry.