Southerner wrote:pantheman wrote:You were stationed here on a peace keeping mission you claim, what utter bollocks, if it wasn't for the likes of you then cyprus wouldn't have this problem now.
Never said anywhere that I was stationed here on a peace keeping mission, that was the UNs responsibility, yet more of you scumbag lies.
Taking all things into consideration you'r quite a pathetic lying little snot.
Dear oh dear oh dear, he doesn't like the taste of his own medicine.
Too much for you dear, ok i'll tone it done shall I?
You poor soul, must hurt your little feelings does it to be told your masters are the nasty ones does it. Burst you little bubble, ah didums.
You are the fool, you are constantly tell the GCs that the US and the UK had nothing to do with the invasion by turkey, that in its self is insulting enough. But you wouldn't really be in a postion to see this, because you are the one talking from a position of snobbery. You are still in the days of the empire that raped and stole from countries all over the world and now you don't like it when these same countries can stand up on their own two feet, and can tell you where to get off!
Sir it is you that looks down on people, you think because you are british and was in the military that you are something else. Your choice, either wake up or shut up. I have had it with you. You speak as an invader not as an invaded person, how the hell would you know what it feels like to be in this postion?
For the benefit of one particular member, i am keeping this reply as clean as i can, but you needed telling so you can feel the fustration.
So, go forth and multiply, and do abit more research before you come here with your western propoganda crap.
In the words of Old Delboy ' What a Plonker'